Chapter 3

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This morning, Beomgyu arrived earlier than normally. When he went you out of the bus he saw an abnormal crowd of people. He was surprised but not really interested so he went straight inside of the building. Passing by the amount of student he heard some people saying a name "Choi Yeonjun" who was that ? The young man didn't really paid attention though and head to his class.

"Hey beoms !" He heard his friend

"Hello Tae !"

Soon after the two girls arrived in the class greeting them. The younger of the two girls was excited and Beomgyu was intrigued at why.

"What is happening Yunjin ?"

"This week is starting the magic training !"

Because even if their lives seemed to be normal they were all in possession of immense powers.


"What is it beoms ?" Asked Taehyun

"I'm not really used to use my powers..."

"Don't worry, it's going to be alright !"


Like every time, the four friends went to the cafeteria for the lunch. They were eating when a question went in Beomgyu's mind. He said not to loud...

"Who's Choi Yeonjun ?"

"Why this question ?" Asked Taehyun

"I heard his name on a crowd of student this morning" the other boy answered

"He's my big brother" Yunjin simply said "a lot of girls are running after him, even if they have no chance to go out with him, for a matter of fact"

"Oh ok"

"Speaking about my family, my parents are leaving for business next week so I was thinking I would organise a party but I wanted to ask you guys because it wouldn't be fun without you !"

"As always I don't have anything planed" Taehyun said

"Me neither, I'm in" Chaewon said

"Im coming too !" Beomgyu answered

"Yay !"


It was finally the end of the class. Beomgyu was in charge of the cleaning today, with another student named lee Heesung.

"Hi, Beomgyu, is that right ?"


"My name is Heesung, nice to meet you !"

The two spoke the entire time they were doing the cleaning.

"We're finished ! It was really nice to talk to you Beomgyu !"

"It was nice to talk to you too !"

They exchanged their number and went home...


Beomgyu arrived at home and he heard some voices. When he opened the door he immediately recognised them. It was His brother and his "friend".

"Hi !"

"Beomgyu, you're alright ?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I had to do the cleaning I forgot to tell you."

"It's ok, there is a plate for you here."

"Thank you, I'm heating it and I'm going in my room, so you guys will be alone"

"Ok, have a good night in that case"

"Thanks Hyung !"


Beomgyu went to his room and suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the screen and it was noted "Heesung" he picked up.

"Hey, you already miss me ?"

"Haha, kind of !"

"Why did you phoned for ?"

"Just to talk"

"Oh, ok"

The spoke for a time and from nowhere, Beomgyu asked...

"Do you have someone ?"

"N-No why do you ask ?"

"Because, when we was doing the cleaning, sometime, you was looking like you was on cloud 9 for no particular reason."

"I don't have someone, but I have a crush on someone..."

"Ohh~ is he at the same school as us ?"

"Yes, he's in the same class..."

"Who is he ?"

"His name is Jake"

"I think I know him by his face. Well I can't blame you, he's not exactly my type but he's cute though."

"What's your type ?"

"I don't really know..."

"Your complicated..."

"I know"

And with that they ended the conversation and let Beomgyu with this question stuck in his head "what's your type" he didn't know. The only experience he had with boy before coming at "Magic High Land" was being harassed for being gay, so he couldn't exactly have a specific idea of his type. But he had still some basic preferences. He would like to be with someone taller than him for exemple. And for him it was more about the mind of the boy. Beomgyu began to overthink it and eventually fell asleep thinking about it...

To be continued...

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