Chapter 20

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All of them were taken to the hospital to make sure none of them had bad injuries. Yeonjun saw Taehyung when they came out of the room. He did everything he could to not cross his eyes. He wouldn't be able to look in his eyes wouldn't be able to keep his tears.

"Hyung, Chae and me are going to the park, we need to think about something else. Tell our parents if they are there when you come back home. Rest and don't stress too much"

How could he not ? He knew his sister was anxious too...

"Wait ! I'm sorry but, Chaewon could you explain what happened when we were not here ?"

She agreed to speak. She told them everything. The little talk they had, the strange person that attacked them how she used her power to protect them and the explosion...

"I lost consciousness, I was feeling tired and I couldn't opened my eyes. But suddenly I felt a huge wave of energy, like someone was helping me to stand up. When I woke up I realised Beomgyu had used his last resort to help me..."

Yeonjun couldn't be angry at Chaewon he knew it but he was, terribly. He was jealous of Chaewon since the beginning, because she was able to speak to the younger without him looking like a scary cat, she could help him without being looked at suspiciously. In fact she was very close to Beomgyu from the beginning and Yeonjun didn't had this chance. But he was trying everything to make his grudge disappear at the moment because he knew she didn't deserve it.


The two girls left and he was alone again. Yeonjun decided to go back home since he didn't had anywhere to go or anyone to see.

When he arrived, he met the worry in his parents eyes, they asked him a thousand questions. What happened ? Where was his sister ? Was anyone hurt ? The only thing he wanted to do was curling up in his bed and crying all the tears he had but he contained himself in front of his parent so they wouldn't be more anxious. Once he explained everything, they took him in a warm hug, telling him sweet things, trying to make the pain go away. The young man was grateful but it didn't exactly worked. The only thing that could eventually helped him would be to know that Beomgyu is safe, but he wasn't to optimistic about it or having any news about it.

When the first foot was put in his bedroom the tears streamed down and the wall fell at the same time.

"I'm so sorry, please don't take him away..."


When he heard the news of his little brother being at the hospital unconscious for multiple hours Taehyung came immediately. He was watching the younger sleeping, waiting for him to wake up even if the doctors said they weren't sure how much time it would take or even if he would wake up.

He saw Yeonjun earlier, he was aware that the black haired would probably come to see Beomgyu. It was even as he hoped he would. He wanted to see that he was right about Yeonjun, he wanted to see that this boy was a good person and that the words that Beomgyu claimed he said weren't true.


When the boy woke up the next day, sore throat from crying so much red and swollen eyes he decided to check his email, the school gave them a week of rest but that did not mean he couldn't take a look to see if there was any important information. But what he found...well he deserved it at some point.

"Hi, after a long talk the teacher and principle had, we decided to exclude you from school for one week.

I hope you'll understand that after what happened we took this decision. Being the oldest of the group we send, you shouldn't have left your crew mates and showed the exemple by measuring your anger issues. Have a good day."

The second part of the year was going to be complicated, but they were true. If he was there, Beomgyu would still be wide awake.

He was hesitant but decided that he would go to the hospital to see Beomgyu latter this day. For now he stayed in his bed with his computer already opened thinking a lot about all the possible end of this if he stayed with his friends.

"Yeonjun ? Darling ? I'm coming in"

It was his mom she seemed worried


"What is it ?"

"It's my fault...if he dies"

"What ?! No, hey, everyone is making mistake sometimes. I'm sure Beomgyu is going to be ok"

She hugged him tightly...

"Everything is going to fine"

She continued to whisper sweet words to her son for a while and let him alone again so he could rest.


One or two hours latter Yeonjun woke up again but this time he went downstairs to take his breakfast.


"Oh Yeonjun, are you feeling better ?"

"A little bit, I'm going to visit him latter"

"Are you sure ?"

"Yeah, I need to"

"Ok, if you think it is what you need"

When he was finished he washed his plate and cutlery before heading straight to the shower. He took his time to make all of the stress go away or most of it. He went out of the bathroom and clothed himself before going out of the house.

When he entered the hospital he went to ask the number of the room.

"Hi, could you tell me what is the number of the room where is Choi Beomgyu ?"

"Um yes but...there's already someone, you can wait outside if they want to be alone. I think he said he is his brother"

"Oh yeah, sure"

"Number is ***"

"Thank you, have a good day"

When he arrived he almost collide with Taehyung who was going out of the room.


"Hyung I..."

"You came to see him right ?"

"Yes, of course"

"Im happy to see that what Beomgyu heard was probably not true"

"What did he heard ?"

"He didn't told you ?"


"Oh, I think you should talk about it with him when he wakes up. Do you really like Beomgyu ?"

"I...think I love him. More than anyone else"

Taehyung just smile at the boy and headed to the exit.

To be continued...

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