Chapter 16

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The morning was quiet. Surprisingly, the first who was awake was Beomgyu, he was still tired but for some reason he wasn't able to sleep in the room anymore. Once he was downstairs he heard noises coming from the kitchen. It was Yeonjun. He was cooking, for the breakfast probably.


"Good morning Beomie !"

"Beomie ?"

"You don't like it ?"

"No, no, I like it, I'd love if you called me like that"

"Nice !"

"Im going to lie down on the couch"

"Wait two second, I'm coming with you when I'm finished. If it doesn't bother you"

"No, I'll wait !"

Once Yeonjun was done, they sat next to each other on the sofa with Beomgyu's blanket. The younger let his head lie on the others shoulder and the older let his head lie on the others head. They closed their eyes.

"How are You ?"

"Im fine, I just couldn't sleep anymore in my room. Fro some reason..."

"Ok, enjoy the time you have to rest now"

"Thank you..."

"No big deal"


"Hey, Beomie"

"How much time did I sleep ?"

"About an hour and a half"

"And you had to stay like this all the time ? I'm sorry"

"I slept a little bit too, your head is comfortable. So if it doesn't bother you I'm going to do the table like that when all the other wake up we can eat"

"I'm going to help you !"

"You can still sleep a bit if you want"

"No, I'm alright"

"Ok, I'll show you were are the plates and the flatware, I'm going to take the food on the table. Oh, but before let's just take the tablecloth !"

While they were taking all the stuff they were talking and laughing together. They were having a good time, well until the three girls arrived if you was to ask the oldest.

"Oh you two seem pretty well awake, already laughing without us ?"

"Yes, actually we were so good before you came"

"Hyung ! Don't be so mean !"

"Ok, Beomie"


"What is it sis ?"

"You called him Beomie ?!"

"Um yeah, is there a problem with that ?"

"I mean, I was just surprised"

"Hm, so you can help us taking the rest on the table"

"Ugh, alright"

The time they take everything else on the table, the other came downstairs.


"So what is the planning for today ?"

Heesung asked

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the camellia hill today, it's really pretty and we could just talk together"

"Ok, that seems to be a good idea"

When they get at the hill, there was a lot of people, the twins were really anxious. Kazuha was less nervous than her brother but they were stuck to each other with Kai who was trying to relax Soobin. Chaewon and Yunjin were staying with their friend too.

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