Chapter 21

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Yeonjun walked in the room, the silence was overwhelming. He saw a chair next to Beomgyu's bed and sat on it. He looked at every details of Beomgyu's visual features. The younger was truly the prettiest person Yeonjun had met or maybe he thought that because he loves him, it does not matter anyway.

"I'm really sorry Beomie, I know I should've been here. Before caring for other you should care about yourself first sometime. You know I think this is the worse think I've ever experienced seing you like that. When you'll wake up I'll make you promise to never do that again. Doesn't matter who it is you don't have to die for anyone your as worth living as anyone else on earth"


Since he had a lot of alone time, Yeonjun came almost every day to the hospital to talk to Beomgyu.

Once when Taehyung visited his brother he saw a beautiful bouquet of poppy. He knew immediately who bought it. It made him smile softly. Beomgyu was in good hand and that was all he was wishing for.


The week he had free ended and he was now beginning his exclusion week. He would be able to visit Beomgyu again this week at least.

Yeonjun wrote a message to Soobin so he would inform him about the homework and what he had to catch up. His friend asked him how he was doing since the incident happened. Yeonjun explained how he was feeling and how he was paying visits at the hospital. The younger listened with an attentive ear. He comfort his hyung like other people did before, but Yeonjun still felt guilty...


Thursday like every other day, Yeonjun arrived at the hospital but instead of the calm atmosphere that was there like usual he was met by a lot of nurse heading all the same way and suddenly he realised they were going to Beomgyu's room direction. So all worry he decided to inform himself to the first nurse that was not running.

"Um excuse me ? What is happening ? Is the person in the room ok ?"

"Are you family of him ?"

"No, I'm his friend"

"He woke up, the nurse are going to control some things. I saw his brother earlier you might wait a long time"

"It's ok I'll wait here"

He sat on a chair of the hall and wait. He bought a new bouquet today. He would actually be able to hand it to Beomgyu directly.


"Beomie How are You feeling ?"

Taehyung asked

" head hurts a lot and I feel sore but I'm awake, I'm glad"

"I'm so glad too. I missed you and I was not the only one"


"Yeah, someone came everyday to see you"

"Who ?"

"They probably will be there. You'll have to wait"

"The flowers you let next to me are all dead it's a pity the seemed beautiful"

"They were, but...again it was not me. Anyway I'll call school to let them know you're awake. I'll tell them you won't be there for another one or two weeks"

"Ok I guess"

"As I heard you're a hero"

"That's what you heard ? I feel more like a fool at the moment"

"Well, Chaewon, this is her name right ?"

"That's her who came ?"

"I saw her once last week but she's not the person I was talking about. By the way you saved her, she told me she was very sorry and excused herself every two seconds"

"I'm happy she's alright"

"Yeah and I'm even more happy to see your alright too"




"I knew you would be there. He woke up he's alright. I'm finished so you can go and talk to him"

"Thank you"

"No need to thank me. Just don't do anything stupid"

"I won't I'll just explained things so it won't be too much"

"Yeah, great ! The bouquet is really beautiful, a great choice in my opinion"

The younger blushed hard. He forgot he had bought it and having a comment from the big brother of the person you love was kind of a surprise.


He knocked two time and waited for an answer...

"Yes ?"

He took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped in...

"Yeonjun hyung..."

"Hi, Beomie"

The younger was looking at him with wide eyes. The older came toward the bed before sitting on the chair and replacing the ancients flowers by the new ones.

"The was you ? How many time did you come ?"

"Every single day..."

"Why ?"

"I...I feel guilty, if I knew how to control myself it wouldn't have happened. We all would be safe from the beginning..."

"Hyung, it's alright, I'm fine"

"You almost died. I wouldn't have been able to pardon myself if it happened"

"Why do you care ?"

"What ? Beomgyu i don't know what Yiren told you...please explain it to me"


"I can make it up to you whatever I did wrong"

"Do you hate me ? She said you was using me. That you was playing with me because I'm easy to play with. That you would rather hang out with anyone else than a fag..."

"What ? I never said that. It is stupid why would I do this ?"

"I don't know. Convince me"

"Beomgyu, Im the farthest from hating you. You're a beautiful human being and it's so much fun to hang out with you. Being treated like shit because of your sexuality must be so hard. I never really endured it because I always hides that I'm bisexual. Don't listen to people saying these Terrible things it does not matter there always be someone who'll love you no matter what"


They were still talking and laughing. After the long comforting words Yeonjun said, everything was again as it was before and they began to talk a lot.

"Oh, I was excluded for one whole week..."

"What ?"

"Yeah, because I let you alone"

"I supposed You kind of deserved it"

"Yeah I totally deserved it. We'll see how I'm able to do it for my next semester"

"Don't talk about depressing things"

To be continued...

Ok, I'm not going to say the next one is the last because it was already supposed to be the chapter 20 but I'll try...;)

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