The court system, overburdened by the massive number of crimes being committed, introduces a radical new method for settling cases more quickly: the bench trial system. Both prosecution and defense face each other in open court and have three days t...
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Grossberg Law Offices
Phoenix: (Alright, this is getting ridiculous. Where the heck is that loafer?)
Grossberg: *Ah-HHHHEM!*
Phoenix: (Ah, that old familiar clearing of the throat...)
Grossberg: Ah hah! You two again.
(Y/N): Right. Hello again.
Phoenix: Um, hello, Mr. Grossberg.
Grossberg: ... Well, well. You were quite the thing, my boy.
Phoenix: Excuse me...?
Grossberg: The trial! The trial!
Phoenix: (He was there...?)
Grossberg: Reminded me of myself when I was a youth!
Phoenix: (I guess something got passed down through Mia... maybe?)
(Y/N): How long ago was this, Mr. Grossberg?
Grossberg: Oh, quite a while ago! Before your parents were even born, actually.
(Y/N): (Sometimes I forget he's 64 years old...)
Grossberg: It brings back memories, it does! "Ah... the days of my youth... like the scent of fresh lemon..." you see. ... I apologize.
Phoenix: ?
(Y/N): ?
Grossberg: I... It was all a bit too much for me, my boy. Seeing you today, I... well, I... ...
Phoenix: (I appreciate the reminiscing, but I'd much rather you gave me some information!)
Today's Trial
Phoenix: So you came to see the trial?
Grossberg: Yes, yes I did. Something was bothering me all last night, you see. I couldn't get a wink of sleep.
Phoenix: Really? What was that?
Grossberg: Well, you see, it's just... Mia's sister, that poor girl. My boy, I owe you my thanks, truly. I don't know what I would have done if things had gone poorly for the girl.