Turnabout Sisters - Day 0 - Investigation, Part 3

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September 6, 2016

Fey & Co. Law Offices


When Phoenix and (Y/N) returned to their office, they were greeted with dozens of police officers examining everything. They were pretty much searching the place from top to bottom, leaving no stone unturned. The office was already pretty small, so the numerous amounts of cops investigating the place made the place very cramped. There was little to no room to move around without disturbing them, so the two just stood in place by the doorway.

Phoenix: (The office is filled with police officers. They're all busily searching for clues...)

A voice called out, alerting the two.

???: Hey! You there! This is a crime scene, pal! No trespassing!

They turned around to find the owner of the voice.

???: Oh, it's only you, (Y/N). How's it going, pal?

(Y/N): Uh, I'm fine, I guess. (Other than the fact that my boss was murdered here in this room...)

Phoenix: I'm here too, you know...

???: Umm... Sorry, don't I know you from somewhere? Wait, you're that Butz guy, aren't you!

Phoenix: No, no, Phoenix Wright. (How could anyone mistake me for Larry!?)

 (How could anyone mistake me for Larry!?)

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???: Sorry 'bout that. That Butz guy, he was a killer! And you're no killer! Right?

Phoenix: (He WAS proven innocent...) Umm... right. And you were... Um... Gumshoe, wasn't it? Dick Gumshoe?

???: Right! At your service. Hang on! That's Detective Gumshoe to you, pal!

Gumshoe: Anyway, get the name right. And don't go calling me "Dick"...

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now