Turnabout Goodbyes - Day 3 - Pre-Trial

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December 28, 2016, 9:51 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 2



Phoenix: (This is it... judgment day. Today, things are going to get settled at last... a lot of things.) 

Phoenix: Waaaaaaaargh! 

Phoenix: Wh-what's the big idea!?

Maya: S-s-sorry, Nick! I only touched your shoulder! I guess the "shock" hasn't worn off from my run-in with the stun gun yesterday. Anyhow, today's the last day of the trial! Good luck, Nick!

Phoenix: Yeah... thanks, Maya.

Edgeworth: ...

Phoenix: (Edgeworth is looking glum as always. I hope von Karma doesn't push him too hard.)

Edgeworth: ...

Edgeworth: Whooooooooaa! Wh-wh-what are you doing!?

Maya: Sorry! I'm sorry! I just thought I'd ch-cheer you up with a pat on the back...

(Y/N): Let's save the pats on the back until after we win.

Maya: Y-yeah.

Phoenix: Maya... Maybe you should go outside and discharge?

Maya: Right. Good idea.

Phoenix: (Try not to electrocute anyone on your way out...)

Woooooooooyaaah, pal!

Gumshoe: What's gotten into that girl?

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Gumshoe: What's gotten into that girl?

Phoenix: Detective Gumshoe!

Gumshoe: Morning! Mr. Edgeworth?

Edgeworth: Uh... good morning.

Phoenix: How did it go, Detective?

Gumshoe: Have no fear! As promised, I've captured our runaway caretaker! I just brought him in. Took all night, pal.

(Y/N): Good work! I knew we could count on you.

Gumshoe: Ah, no big deal, really. It's my job, after all.

Phoenix: Thanks, Detective Gumshoe. You must be tired.

Gumshoe: Actually, after that shock I got on the way in, I feel pretty good.

(Y/N): (I think that's just the adrenaline doing its thing right now...)

Phoenix: (Yogi says he's forgotten his own name... But that has to be a lie! Why would he want revenge on Edgeworth if he couldn't remember his past!? He does remember... and I'm going to prove it!)

(Y/N): By the way, Nick...

Phoenix: Huh? Yeah?

(Y/N): I've got a little present for you. A good luck charm, if you will.

Phoenix: Um, it's a little late for Christmas presents...

(Y/N): Oh, I guess you're right. Maybe you don't want...

 Maybe you don't want

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(Y/N): This?

Phoenix: !!!

Phoenix: That's--!! 

(Y/N): The letter from the safe? Yes. Yes, it is.

Phoenix: But von Karma stole it from us! How did you...?!

(Y/N): He stole the copy of it. This is the real one.

Phoenix: But how did you know something like that was going to happen?

(Y/N): Last time, when we showed the photograph to Ms. Vasquez, we were almost about to be erased because of it.

Phoenix: Ah, right. I remember that... So, you were counting on me showing incriminating evidence to the culprit, right?

(Y/N): Yeah. I kinda learned that from the Mia case, too...

Phoenix: When did you have time to do this?

(Y/N): Right after we started heading back to the office, I kinda just... snuck away.

Phoenix: That makes sense. How come you didn't just tell us you were making a copy?

(Y/N): Uh... I don't know. Dramatic effect?

Phoenix: (Seriously?! Now's not the time to practice theatrics!)

(Y/N): No, wait... It's so that you learned a lesson. (Yeah, that sounds better.)

Phoenix: What lesson was I supposed to learn?

(Y/N): That if you're going to show incriminating evidence to a suspect, at least be cautious about it. Or something like that.

Phoenix: Right, right... That's happened twice already, huh?

(Y/N): Let's not make a habit of it.

Phoenix: Agreed.

(Y/N): Alright, then. It's go time. Let's convict both Yanni Yogi and Manfred von Karma today and save Mr. Edgeworth!

Phoenix: (We've got the bullet from the DL-9 Incident, and the letter from von Karma inciting Yanni Yogi to murder the victim and frame Edgeworth. It's time to solve both cases, once and for all!)


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