Turnabout Goodbyes - Day 1 - Pre-Trial

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December 26, 2016, 9:44 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 2



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Phoenix: Karma...?

Edgeworth: That's right, Manfred von Karma. He's the best prosecutor there is. He hasn't lost a case in his 40-year career. He is a god of prosecution, Wright! A god!

Maya: Not a single case?

(Y/N): Not a single one. Even my own parents fear him. You don't even have to face him in court to know what kind of a person Manfred von Karma is.

Edgeworth: Yes. He'll do anything to get a guilty verdict, anything.

Phoenix: Hmm. Sounds like someone else I know, Edgeworth.

Edgeworth: Hmph. You don't understand. I mean he'll really do anything. As (L/N) said, Manfred von Karma is a man to be feared.

Phoenix: (That's quite a claim coming from someone who forges evidence...)

Edgeworth: He taught me what it really means to "prosecute."

Phoenix: Wh-what!?

Edgeworth: Just picture a prosecutor as vicious as me... multiplied by a factor of ten.

Maya: Ugh... So... so was he your teacher, then, Mr. Edgeworth?

Edgeworth: Something like that...

Maya: And now he's trying to get you found guilty!? What a creep! Oh, wait... Maybe he's planning on losing on purpose to help you out.

Edgeworth: Not a chance... He hasn't lost once in 40 years. 40 years! He's as ruthless as me, times twenty!

(Y/N): We've gotten lucky with pressing witnesses and finding contradictions in the tiniest of things before, but... Manfred von Karma won't ever let that happen. You could be his father, and he'd go for a guilty verdict without hesitation. He intends to keep his 40-year win streak. No doubt he's drilled the witness exactly what needs to be said for him to win this trial in mere minutes.

Maya: That's pretty ruthless...

Edgeworth: Like I said. He's a god among prosecutors.

Phoenix: (I guess that's something like Mia was to me. Speaking of Mia...) Um, Maya?

Maya: Uh huh?

Phoenix: We could really be using Mia's help right now... don't you think?

Maya: Oh...

Phoenix: ?

Maya: I can't. Sorry. I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't reach.

Phoenix: You couldn't "reach"?

Maya: I think it's because I haven't been training. My powers are weak again...

(Y/N): Hold on, didn't you mention before something about having to be independent or you would lose your E.S.P...? ...Did... ...Did I do that? By having you live in the same apartment as me?

Maya: Huh? I... I don't know. It could be, but...

(Y/N): (Oh FUCK, I messed up BIG time!)

Maya: Um! Don't get all down, (Y/N). I'm pretty sure it's just because of my lack of training, that's all.

(Y/N): Y-yeah...

Phoenix: Oh man, what bad timing!

Maya: I'm really sorry. I'll try my best!

Phoenix: I hope so!

(Y/N): It's fine, it's fine. We just gotta help Nick however we can. He's gonna be the one arguing against von Karma in there. So we just need to look for things when he needs it the most.

Maya: Y-yeah. You're right...

Edgeworth: What are you whispering about?

Phoenix: O-oh, it's nothing. Well, it's time. Let's head in...


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