Turnabout Goodbyes - Day 3 - Trial, Part 7

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Judge: Hmm... Was there, perhaps, another shooter who fired that second shot?


Karma: Your Honor

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Karma: Your Honor. As I'm sure you're aware... This incident occurred fifteen years ago. The evidence is dated... The pistol did fire twice. However, we do not know WHEN that second shot was fired. 

Karma: It might have been fired the day before the incident!

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Karma: It might have been fired the day before the incident!

Karma: There is no proof that the second shot had anything to do with this incident!

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Karma: There is no proof that the second shot had anything to do with this incident!

Phoenix: (What...!)

Judge: Hmm... I see, I see. You do have a point. Mr. Wright? The murder weapon was fired twice, as we have heard. One of those shots was fired by the defendant, a boy at the time. Do you have any proof that the other shot fired had something to do with the case?

Phoenix: Your Honor. I think I will be able to show you proof.

Karma: Wh-what!? Impossible!

Judge: Now, now, Mr. von Karma. Save your surprise for after you've seen the evidence. Very well, Mr. Wright. Show us your proof. Do you have evidence that the second firing of the pistol is related to this incident?

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