Turnabout Samurai - Day 1 - Trial, Part 5

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Oldbag: Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do.

I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them.

I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see.

Come to think of it, now I remember throwing out one photo that day!


Edgeworth: M-Ms. Oldbag! This is the first I've heard of this!

Oldbag: Well, of course, sonny! I've only just remembered it.

Judge: Right... anyway, Mr. Wright, please begin the cross-examination.

Maya: Well, I'd say this was a turn for the unexpected, but I kind of expected this...


Defense's Bench

Maya: "Come to think of it"? Couldn't she think of that a little earlier!?

Phoenix: Classic old windbag maneuver, Maya.

Maya: Hmm... Might be a useful tactic to remember for use in my future career as a windbag.

(Y/N): Throwing in the towel already, huh?

Maya: Hey, you never know. 

(Y/N): But man, how many testimonies is she going to give us?

Phoenix: Well, if you know any other witnesses, feel free to bring it to the court's attention.

(Y/N): Ah... Hmm... Well, there had to have been a director and producer somewhere, right? Someone had to have been managing them.

Maya: Nobody's really mentioned them, I think. Maybe they were just out that day?

Phoenix: (Let's find out more about this "erased" photo.)



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