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Wright & Co. Law Offices
Maya: One day left, Nick.
Phoenix: Yeah... I know.
Maya: Well, no time to waste! Let's get going!
Maya: ...
Maya: Where's (Y/N)?
Phoenix: ...What? You mean he's not here?
Maya: Um, no. You never noticed?
Phoenix: You didn't notice until just now either!
Maya: He's a quiet guy! He's pretty good at blending into the background.
Phoenix: That's a compliment, right?
Maya: Of course! Much better than being loud and noisy.
Phoenix: He IS pretty well-mannered. He only speaks his mind when he has to.
Maya: That's what I like about him! He's mature, responsible, and really reliable! But he also knows how to have fun!
Phoenix: Sounds like you really like him a lot.
Maya: ...I don't know what you're talking about, Nick.
Phoenix: Right... So, did he run off with the letter from the safe?
Maya: No, he wouldn't do that. I'm sure he just went to the bathroom somewhere or something.
Phoenix: I wish he could've told us where he was going, at least.
What To Do
Phoenix: What do you think we should do now, Maya?
Maya: I think we should wait for (Y/N) to come back, first off.
Phoenix: I think so too. But other than that, I mean.
Maya: You would know best, Nick! Just do what you do! That should work.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney x Male Reader
FanfictionThe court system, overburdened by the massive number of crimes being committed, introduces a radical new method for settling cases more quickly: the bench trial system. Both prosecution and defense face each other in open court and have three days t...