Turnabout Samurai - Day 0 - Investigation, Part 1

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October 14, 2016, 5:31 PM

Wright & Co. Law Offices


(Y/N): Man! What a cliffhanger!

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Phoenix: Whoa! Stop waving that broom around!

(Y/N): Hey, Nick.

Maya: Oh, Nick! I didn't know you were here!

Phoenix: Of course I'm here! What was that surreal show you two were watching?

Maya: What!? Nick, you mean, you don't know the Steel Samurai!? He's only the most popular TV hero for young people!

Phoenix: Young...? Like, how young?

Maya: Umm... 10 years old?

Phoenix: Then what the heck are YOU two doing getting all excited!?

(Y/N): We can still enjoy kids stuff, you know! There's no law that says we can't!

Maya: And I'm only 17! That's seven-"teen." See? I'm a teen! And (Y/N)'s 16! He's a teen too! Not like you, Nick.

Phoenix: Hey! Don't talk to me like I'm your grandpa or something. I'm only 24 myself.

Maya: Then watch it with us! He's really cool! And... it's really popular! When they asked grade school kids what they wanted to be, "Steel Samurai" was no.1!

(Y/N): That's true. Ask any kid and they can name you more Steel Samurai characters than U.S. presidents.

Phoenix: I really worry about kids these days.

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