The court system, overburdened by the massive number of crimes being committed, introduces a radical new method for settling cases more quickly: the bench trial system. Both prosecution and defense face each other in open court and have three days t...
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Phoenix: (It wasn't von Karma...! Wait, but that means...) No... Edgeworth!?
Edgeworth: Your Honor.
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Judge: Wh-what do you mean?
Edgeworth: I'm not innocent at all! As we have heard, Yanni Yogi killed Robert Hammond in revenge. But, revenge for what?
Defense's Bench
Maya: Nick! Edgeworth is trying to confess! He's going to say he's guilty! He's going to tell them he was the murderer in the DL-6 Incident! He's going to tell them he killed his own dad!
Phoenix: (Uh oh! What do I do? Do I raise an objection?)
Phoenix: (No... I'm sure Edgeworth thought about this one long and hard. This isn't my place to interfere!) Let's leave it to Edgeworth.
Maya: Nick, are you sure!?
Phoenix: There's nothing we can do about it. This is his problem, now.
(Y/N): We've still got some evidence from the DL-9 Incident. Whatever he says, we'll just have to strike it down.