Turnabout Goodbyes - Day 0 - Investigation, Part 1

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December 25, 2016, 10:08 AM

Wright & Co. Law Offices



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It was a cold, Sunday morning.

A cold, Sunday, Christmas morning.

And (Y/N) was bored out of his mind, twirling a pen as a meager way to entertain himself. He had seen all kinds of videos where people would flawlessly and stylishly twirl their pen around their fingers, and he wanted to try that too.

Except, he wasn't really good at it.

But he kept trying anyway. Because it kept him busy.

School for him was closed for Winter break and wouldn't resume until sometime after New Year's. Every classmate he knew were probably off doing something fun.

Most likely doing something fun.

Definitely doing something fun.

(Y/N) could only imagine what they were up to--Christmas parties, snowboarding, skiing, snowball fights, you name it.

Meanwhile, he was stuck in the office. He still had to go to work.

Some people usually get Christmas day off to spend time with their family.

But law firms like Wright & Co. stayed open. It's not like they could afford to close the office for the day. Even after the Will Powers case, Wright and Co. Law Offices was still under the radar.

Sure, they were paid a hefty amount from the (renowned) Steel Samurai himself, known as (not-so-renowned) Will Powers, but that wouldn't last forever. Phoenix had to pay rent for the office they resided in as well as his own personal apartment, and (Y/N) needed paychecks. (Otherwise, why bother showing up to work?)

Maya got paychecks too (because if she didn't, it would be illegal), but she would usually immediately blow them on Steel Samurai merchandise. But now that the Pink Princess was currently airing, she would spend her paychecks on merchandise for that too.

Ever since the Steel Samurai ended its run, their merchandise stopped circulating stores, resulting in fans having to buy them off consumer-to-consumer shopping websites. Since they were technically no longer in production, they sort of became limited edition. And Maya wasn't the only Steel Samurai fan wanting to still buy their collectables. Far from it.

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