Turnabout Samurai - Day 2 - Recess

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October 19, 2016, 11:04 AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No. 1


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Mia: ...

Phoenix: What do we do now, Mia? If everyone in that trailer has an alibi...

Mia: ... I'm sorry, Phoenix. I guess I was wrong.

Phoenix: M-Mia! Don't tell me you're giving up! If you give up, what hope do I have...?

Mia: ... Don't get me wrong. I've never given up on a trial before, not while there was a chance. Only one thing became clear in your cross-examination. The people in the trailer could not have gone to Studio One. I thought there was more to it than that... But I was wrong. That's all there is.

(Y/N): Maybe...

Phoenix: (Y/N)! If you've got any sort of theory, I need to hear it. Please.

Mia: Phoenix's right. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts. No matter how wild or outlandish they may be.

(Y/N): Alright, uh... What if... Mia's right about being wrong?

Phoenix: What?

(Y/N): Or is it, what if Mia's wrong about being wrong?

Mia: I... I don't follow.

(Y/N): What I'm trying to say is, it's pretty much true that the people in the trailer couldn't have gone to Studio One, right? Mia just said that.

Phoenix: Right, Mr. Monkey was blocking the path from 2:15 PM to 4:00 PM.

(Y/N): And the time of the murder was at 2:30 PM...

Phoenix: Uh-huh...?

(Y/N): Mr. Powers, you said they found the body at 5:00 PM, right? In Studio One?

Will: Um... I woke up a little past 5:00 PM, but that was when rehearsal was supposed to start, yeah.

Phoenix: I think Detective Gumshoe and Ms. Oldbag both said the body was found exactly at 5:00 PM too. Not a minute before.

Mia: (Y/N), are you saying what I think you're saying?

(Y/N): Yeah... Mr. Monkey wasn't blocking the path after 4:00 PM. So, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, there'd be at least an hour to move the body over to Studio One.

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