Turnabout Goodbyes - Day 3 - Trial, Part 4

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Defense's Bench

Phoenix: (Remember... two days ago...)


Maya: Pol-ly, Pol-ly. Have we forgotten something?

Parrot: *squawk* "Don't forget DL-6!" *squawk*


Phoenix: (If I can get Polly to say that here...! That will prove that the caretaker had something to do with DL-6!) Maya, think you can ask it "Have we forgotten something?"

Maya: Um, Polly? Have we forgotten something?

Parrot: "... ... Hello! Hello!" *squawk*

Maya: ...!

Maya: Th-that's not what you're supposed to say! Forgot! Something we forgot!

Parrot: "Hello! Hello!" *squawk*

Maya: Uh oh. It's not working, Nick! She won't say it!

Phoenix: (This is ridiculous! Why won't she say it!?)


Karma: Tsk tsk tsk... Something the matter, Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: (Wait... Don't tell me von Karma expected this! He couldn't have retrained the parrot... could he!? Did he train her not to respond when we asked if we'd forgotten anything!?)


Defense's Bench

(Y/N): We'll have to try something else. Let's ask about the code to the safe.

Maya: Huh? The safe? Why?

Phoenix: Let's just try to get her to say anything, okay?

Maya: Polly! What was the number of the safe in the shack?


Parrot: "1228... 1228..."

Judge: ...

Judge: My, what a reckless parrot. Well, Mr. Wright? You aren't claiming that this number has something to do with the caretaker?

Phoenix: Actually, it does! That's why I had her say it!

Karma: Hah! Ridiculous! How can the number to a safe tell us who the caretaker is? 

Karma: Hah! Ridiculous! How can the number to a safe tell us who the caretaker is? 

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