Turnabout Goodbyes - Day 1 - Investigaton, Part 2

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December 26, 2016

Detention Center

Visitor's Room


(Y/N): Hey Maya, we're back.

Maya: Hey, Nick! (Y/N)! You two finally came! They just finished the paperwork, I'm free to go.

Phoenix: Free at last, eh?

Maya: Those interrogators were really mean! They were like "okay, what did you do THIS time?" Like I was some kind of criminal! Can you believe it?

(Y/N): (Well, you WERE framed for a crime back in September...)

Phoenix: Well, they let you out in the end, didn't they?

Maya: Mmm... Oh, that reminds me... Thanks for bail.

(Y/N): It wasn't us.

Phoenix: Thank Edgeworth.

Maya: Huh?

Phoenix: He posted bail for you. Said he was grateful for what you did.

(Y/N): It's his way of saying "thank you."

Maya: Mr. Edgeworth did that...? 

Maya: ...

Maya: I have to make it up to him! We've got to win this case, Nick!



What to Do

Phoenix: What do you think we should do next?

(Y/N): I really want to meet this other witness. Or at least somehow check out that boat shop. That's gotta be related to the crime somehow.

Maya: We're kind of lacking in the clues department. We could go to the park and look for Gourdy.

Phoenix: ...

Maya: I-I was kidding!

Phoenix: Still, if there are any clues out there, the park's as good a bet as any. What do you say? Shall we head down there?

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