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Maithili's Pov

"Royal Wedding Fever Sweeps the Nation: Don't Miss a Minute of the Action!" 

"Countdown to the Royal Wedding: Three Days to Go!"

"The Royal Wedding is Almost Here: Get Ready for the Big Day!"

"Happily Ever After: Lakshay and Maithili's Fairy Tale Wedding Comes to Life", read the headlines amongst the newspapers delivered to my chamber. I sigh and look up at my elder sister Snayaa. Snayaa was my cousin sister and the first-born daughter of my youngest uncle. My father was the King of Jaipur, and her father was the second in line.

Yes, even now, in this twenty-first century, our family follows the royal titles and even the common people treat us royally. My mother and father are the current King and Queen of Jaipur and I was their first and the only daughter. Although everyone wished that I should've been a boy because how would a girl manage her father's kingdom after him, but my parents never thought about it as much as everyone, my father loved me very much and he made sure I get all the education and royalties a boy would get.

And now, according to the Royal Family tradition, a prince and the princess of our family should get married before they turn twenty-four, and I just turned twenty-two last month. I was destined to be married to the Prince of Jodhpur Lakshya Jamwal when I was nine and I knew from the start that I cannot marry someone else, so there was no question of me having any past relationships or having any relationship at all.

I was homeschooled because of security reasons, once Snaaya was almost kidnapped when she was five and my parents were fearful of something like that might happen to me so since then, Snaaya and I have had extra security assigned for us and we are rarely left alone by the bodyguards.

"It's getting more and more real," I whispered and put down the newspaper, looking at my and Lakshya's photo together printed on the front page of every single newspaper.

"Of course it is, the wedding is in three days," Snaaya says and sits down beside me on the comfy bed and hugs me sideways. The bed was filled with comfy white cushions, especially hand-made from the best in the industry.

"But I don't want to get married," I say, my voice breaking a little as I think about all the arrangements and preparation being done for the wedding.

"I know sweetheart, I know," Snaaya says comforting me, Snaaya was not promised the throne as her parents were not the King and Queen, but because my parents were it was obligatory for me to get married before her so the next generation of family would start.

Before I could say something, someone knocks on the door and Snaaya goes back to her place as we arrange our postures as a maid of our palace comes in. 

She puts down the teapot, two cups, and sugar cubes on the tray and leaves as soon as I thank her. I take the two cups and saucer carefully and arrange them for both of us, I then proceed to put the tea and add sugar cubes and stir it. 

"I'm going to miss you so much," Snaaya says and I smile sadly. 

"I will miss you too, maybe you should marry Lasksya's younger brother then you can also come and stay with me," I said sounding a little excited.

Snaaya chuckles and shakes her head, "He is five years younger than me and it is frowned upon for a woman to marry a man half her age," She says and I fought not to roll my eyes.

I did it once, rolling my eyes at something my mom said, and then the next two hours were spent with her lecturing me on how it is bad manners and the princesses cannot do something so bad.

"Sometimes I feel like we should just run away, but then I think it's impossible because everyone knows our faces and we cannot stay anywhere without people recognizing us," Snaaya says and I nod.

"Remember how we once went to the fun fair and Dad vacated the whole fair for a day," I say remembering the pieces from my childhood.

"Yes, and then when we went to the school for two days and no one wanted to talk to us?" Snaaya asks and I nod remembering the day.

When I was in second grade I begged my father that I wanted to attend the school like everyone else and he granted the wish but like always, two bodyguards were stationed outside our classroom we were actually very excited but then when we actually did attend, no one, literally no one came and talked to us, even teachers who tried to interact us with other students failed, it was bad, and then even I left the thought of going to the school.

"So? Did you talk to Lakshya?" she asks and I nod.

"I did, just a few hours ago, he wanted to get this thing over with, I hate him!" I say and frown.

"Is it that bad?"

"Yes, very, he doesn't even want to be married to me," I say and remember the headlines I read a few days back.

"I'm sure it was just a rumor," She says and I shake my head.

"It isn't, I'm sure he has an affair with the maid," I say and she makes a face and looks away.

Just a few days ago, the news resurfaced again when it came to highlights that Lakshya, the future King of Jodhpur is having an affair with a maid at his own palace. And a few months back, the same news had been shown.

Last year, it was someone from his college, it was said that they had a mini vacation in Greece, just the two of us, when I asked him, he denied it and said he was out there for his work when I clearly saw his pictures with the girl online.

"I don't know why Dad is not just breaking off this marriage," I say and look over at Snaaya.

"You know why," she says and sighs, "Our grandfather promised you to him when you were young and it is compulsory to obey the rules and marry the person you were destined to be with," she repeats the same whenever I ask the same question.

Sometimes it gets too much, being born into the Royal family is sure a blessing, but at what cost? I have no say in anything until I marry and become the Queen of Jaipur, until then my words hold no weight.


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