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Maithili's Pov

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Maithili's Pov

Aarav and Ahana left that morning, Ahana at her internship and Aarav to his college, and I was sitting in the living room as Coco kept coming towards me for rubs and pats, he was one of the most adorable dogs ever, he would lay down beside me and doze off for a minute or two relaxing before he would wake up, take a walk around the house and come back for more belly rubs.

He was such a sweet little Corgi and the only reason I wasn't bored right now, I tried watching movies as per Ahana's suggestion but I couldn't concentrate as my mind would go back to my parents every single time, worrying if they were okay or not, and then Mark and Sam haven't contacted me yet, so I don't even know if those two are okay, I was getting more and more anxious worrying about them.

It was two noon when my stomach rumbled and I realized I was hungry, I went to the kitchen to see Ahana had kept last night's food in the refrigerator, it was some home-cooked white sauce pasta, I took it out in a bowl, and put it in the microwave, as Coco sniffed my legs, maybe trying to imprint my smell.

As I waiting for the timer to go off, I heard it, someone was at the door and was trying to open the door, my eyes suddenly widened with fear, Aarav said he would try to come sooner but my gut feeling told me it wasn't Aarav, and Ahana was supposed to come in the evening, so it definitely wasn't her either, and soon I heard some voices, scared I rushed towards a large cabinet behind the kitchen door and hide inside, I looked around and found a broom and a spatula laying around and took it for self-defense.

Shit, are those thieves?

I then realized that thieves wouldn't come in through the front door when everyone was openly roaming around outside the house, and it wasn't night, I had heard thieves mostly come at night.

I hold my breath as I hear the door open and two pairs of footsteps walking in, "I swear I told her a thousand times to change that useless lock, but Corgi just won't listen to me!" a deep male voice reached me as I closed my eyes, praying that whoever they are should leave immediately and not spot me hiding inside the huge cabinet, behind the kitchen door.

"The lock is just fine, it's just you can't open it properly," This voice was a girl and my eyes widened. Who the hell are they? And why do they have Ahana's house keys?

"Excuse me? I can open any lock just fine, admit it, you're just taking your friend's side because I'm sure she told you to do so, but you have to agree, it is not safe, she should change the lock Kaira," the male voice says as I hear a groan as they walked towards the living room.

"Your point is valid, even though the lock is just fine, I think she should change and put on a new one, you know just for- what the hell!?" The female voice, Kaira I assume her name was, shrieked all of a sudden and I stilled.

"Indeed, what the hell? Why has Corgi kept her TV on?" the male voice injects as I mentally scolded myself for keeping the TV on, I wasn't even watching anything!

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