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Maithili's Pov

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Maithili's Pov

"Stop," I say, as soon as I step out of the room and watch every pair of eyes watching me, I was feeling nervous all of a sudden, and without thinking my eyes searched for the one dark brown eye that made me feel safe.

Aarav, stood there looking worried as he gazed at me, he gave me a small smile as if assuring me that everything was okay and I felt a little relief as I finally looked at the two new faces who stood beside him looking at me shocked.

"W- What the hell!?" the boy, Zian spoke as he stared at me, and suddenly I heard something fall dwn and I saw Aria's cake had slipped away from her hands and had fallen down as she gaped at me.

But as soon as the cake fell, I heard a collective relief flowing through the room as I realized everyone took a sigh of relief as soon as the cake fell and I stopped myself from smiling.

"Did I accidentally walk into the palace?" Aria spoke looking around as if she couldn't believe I was standing there, I gave her a nervous smile.

"Hey," I say finally, giving them a little wave, as Aria gave me a ervous smile back but she kept looking back at Ahana and Kaira for answers whereas Zian was still looking at me shocked.

"What are you doing here? The police are looking everywhere for you," Zian finally spoke, coming out of the daze and I looked out the window panicking as if the police were just outside.

"Hey, hey, no one is outside, calm down," Aarav's soothing voice reached me as I watched him walk towards me. "I just came from outside, no one is here," he said and glared at Zian.

"What the hell have you guys done?" Zian asks exasperated loking at each of his friends. "Will one of you tell me something? Or do I have to call the police? Man, we are going to be in deep trouble if the police find out that you're here," Zian says.

"No, please don't call the police," I say, my voice sounding desperate as I plead with him.

"No one is calling the police, relax," Aarav says and holds my hand, and sudden goosebumps flowed throughout my body at the touch, as I stared at him, he looked back at Zian and glared at him, "I said no one will call the police," he literally threatens Zian who looks at him shocked, actually, every one of his friends looked at him shocked as if what they're hearing is unbelievable.

"Come with me," Aarav says and leaves my hands and I immediately missed the warmth ofhis hands, as he walked towards Zian and took him to some other room followed by Ranbir as I stood there with Ahana, Kaira and a gaping Aria who looked at me star struck.

"OMG, this is just like that fanfic I read! Are you going to fall in love with our friend and live happily ever after?" Aria spoke all of a sudden making my eyes wide as this time I looked at her surprised and amused.

"Oh, um, I don't think it quite like a fanfic," I say tucking the loose strand of hair behind y ear as I think about what she said, me and Aarav? Definitely, not possible.

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