Chapter 2

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"Kurt!" Burt calls when he comes home from work "Letter for you". Within a few seconds Kurt stands in front of him, takes the letter and runs up to his room again. He sits down on his bed, opens the letter eagerly but neatly and reads what the boy from Westerville wrote. Then he takes a pen and papter and writes back.


Hi Blaine!
Yeah second year is a little harder but not that much, I'm glad that you already found a friend, Keep them close,
About the getting to know each other part I don't know what you want to know so I'll just tell you something about myself and if you want to know something else then ask and the other way around,
As you know I'm Kurt Hummel, I'm 11 and I'm from Lima, I live here with my dad and have a best friend called Rachel, She's also my only friend here and at school,
I love to listen to music and to sing, I like to watch musicals and I think that's pretty much everything that comes to my mind right now,
I look forard to hear from you


Since this time Blaine send the letter from his home adress Kurt copies the adress to send it to Blaines home tomorrow after school.


When Blaine comes home four days after sending the letter to Kurt he finds a letter on his bed together with a note from his mom

Hello Honey. I have to go to a business dinner tonight and I don't know where your dad is but dinner is in the fridge and this letter was in the mailbox when I came home. x Mom

With Kurts letter Blaine sits down at his desk and reads the letter before putting it in the box and answering.


Dear Kurt
About me. Well I'm Blaine Anderson. I'm 10 and from Westerville. I also love music and singing and musicals and I love sport.
I live with both my parents but they both are pretty busy with their jobs. It's okay for me tho.
Questions about you:
When is you birthday? (Mine is August 1st)
Favorite musical?
Favorite and least favorite subject in school?
Curious about your answers


Immediatly Blaine gets the letter ready and goes outside to put it in the mail box. Then he decides to stay out for a little longer because being at home alone is boring and at the moment he doesn't has any homework.

When he comes home he sighs when he sees the car of his dad, still he goes in, looking relieved when he sees his dad on the couch asleep or something close to that and sneaks up to his room, closing the door behind him. Guess he'll go to bed without dinner today but he won't risk going down again as long as his mom isn't there and that could be late.


Time passes and the boys start a real pen friendship, getting to know each other and talking about everything, nothing, school days and so on. They don't mind the few days they have to wait for the letter to be send and the answer to be delivered to them.


Dear Blaine
Isn't it unfair that you ask me three questions but only answer one of them yourself?
My birthday is on May 27th
My all time favorite musical is Moulin Rouge but in general it depends on my mood, At the moment I'd like to see Mamma Mia and I couldn't get honey honey out of my head during school today,
My favorite subject at the moment is probably literature and least favorite definitly gym class (sorry I know you like it but I can't stand it)
Now your turn, Favorite musical? And favorite and least favorite subject in school?
Still humming honey honey


Dear Kurt
Honey Honey is a great song (also thanks because I just had to listen to it when reading your letter and now it won't leave my head either).
I think my favorite musical is West Side Story or Grease.
By now I think I like gym class the most and maths the least (numbers really start to confuse me).
We could make a thing out of it. One question with each letter. I think it could be fun. Let me start:
Favorite Moulin Rouge song?
Got to go


Dear Blaine
I like the idea!
Not an actual question but you're at school for a bit more than a month now, How's it going? Are you doing okay? Friends? Nice teachers? Good classes?
I know I sound like a parent or something but I just hope you had a good start into middle school,
As for me, I have so much homework to do because we write the first exams of the year soon and I have to study so writing to you gives me a little break,
My favorite song is Come What May,
What's your favorite sport?
Continuing to study now


Dear Kurt
Yeah studying sucks. I've been doing a lot of that lately. Me and Wes study together a lot and help each other (Wes is the friend that I found).
This leads me to your next questions. School is fine but kinda boring. I only have one friend, Wes, but I don't feel like I need to find more friends at school. Most teachers are okay and classes are good I guess ut we'll see when I get my first exams back.
Since you were so interested in my start of the middle school, how was yours?
Come What May is a great song.
I like foorball and soccer but only to watch or play for fun so nothing I could imagine doing in the future.
No question besides the middle school one :)
I have to study now


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