Chapter 28

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TW: mention of abuse

Blaine does't quit the Warblers and he reminds his father that he won't date a girl and especially one he doesn't know. His mother has two more business dinner with another client and Robert used these times to show Blaine who the man is in their house and to take out some anger when he's drunk. Not only on the cheek anymore but carefully placed on spots where no one can see anything under his Dalton Uniform or his clothes.

It takes him four days of crying, locking himself in his room and keeping quiet. Two of them it's just him and Robert, that's when he was the most afraid. The other two Pam is home too. Of course everyone pretents that everything is normal. Sectionals are in a week and Blaine is happy about that. It's one of the few things that bring him joy. That, his friends and Kurt with his letters. He didn't told Kurt what happened. He didn't even told his mom. But maybe it's time to tell her because he doesn't want to keep it in secret.

It's one of those days where his dad drunk so much that he passes out on the couch early. He already started drinking at work and came home drunk. Sure it's bad but it gives Blaine a chance to talk to his mother. First Pam prepares dinner for three so he can leave some for her husband and Kurt in the meantime finishes his homework and writes a letter to Kurt. They are discussing their setlists for Sectionals.

"Mom?" Blaine asks at dinner table "When dad drinks and gets angry how does he act towards you?". "I- uhm- there's lot of yelling. From both sides. Why?" Pam answers. The boy swallows "When you were out last week dad told me to quit glee and set me up with a girl and I refused to so he- he slapped me". "He did what?!" the woman asks furiously. Blaine only nods "The other times you were out it just got worse".

"I wanted to tell you directly but either you were out, he was here or I didn't knew how" Blaine can feel the tears in his eyes and a knot in his throat. Seeing her son like that Pam jumps up to hug him tightly and calm him. "After school you go to Wes house or what were their names? Nick and Jeff? Study and practice. I'll talk to your dad before he can get too drunk. Maybe have dinner at your friends too?" Pam plans and her son nods "Okay. Thanks".

The rest of the evening is quiet. Pam works a bit more to prepare for a client she has tomorrow. Blaine also sits down on his desk and looks over his paper that's due for history tomorrow. He just hopes he'll get a good grade for it.

A bit later Pam comes into her sons room after knocking. She carries a pot of cream that she puts down on the desk "It's against the sting. If it still hurts put it on. It'll help". Then she kisses him on the forehead "Time for bed. I'm going to lay down now too". Blaine nods and wishes his mom goodnight before she goes out again and closes the door.


The friends decide to go to Nicks after school since his house is the biggest with more room to practice. Of course everyone is also invited for dinner and Blaine didn't even had to asks. He quickly texts his mother before putting his phone away to concentrate on his friends. His head is filled with so many things. Things to think about, to do or not to do and things to worry. But he and Wes promised that today they want to start a new attemt of getting Nick and Jeff together while practicing and studying. They drop hints and try to bring them closer before telling them to do something and leaving into the kitchen or something so they are alone.

At the end of the evening the best friends are certain that they have archeved something. It always looked like Nick and Jeff had secretly heart eyes but this evening they were more obvious than ever and Blaine plans on texting them both, asking about their feelings and giving them a good push. Maybe the final push. Wes dad drives Jeff and Blaine home and Blaine could swear Jeff looked sad because they had to leave.

When Blaine arrives at home around 9 it's oddly quiet at home. Blaine first takes a look in the living room. His father passed out on the couch, tv still on. Blaine tiptoes in and turns it off before turning off the light and go to the kitchen where he finds a note from his mom.

"Had a last minute business dinner with a sponsor. I took the time to talk to your dad before. Hope you had fun with your friends. Don't stay up too long.


The curly haired boy sighs and goes up to his room, locking the door just in case. He changes and goes straight to bed, wondering how the talk between his parents went. To take his mind off things he texts a little more with Jeff and Nick before falling asleep eventually.


Faster than Blaine realizes it's time for Sectionals. Blaine, like all the other boys, is nervous as hell. He only sang for his mom and the Warblers before and now there are so many people in that audience. His mom only saw him with his guitar but now he'll be on stage with a group of boys. He's mostly in the background but he has two solo parts and one dance part in two of the songs.

As soon as the music starts playing Blaine blacks out everything around him that's not important. The audience, the judges, the lights. Only the Warblers, the music and him. The nervous feeling completely vanishes and he has so much fun. It's like breathing, like living.

They get off the stage, cheering loudly. They were amazing. While waiting for the results some boys talk to people they know and some just watch. Blaine and Wes talk while searching for Nick and Jeff who went off quickly after they got off stage to talk. Blaine talked to Jeff more than Nick because he opened up quicker, admitting that he really likes Nick. He's just shy so Blaine talked to him a lot to pump him up and if he has to kick him in the ass btu it was all worth it. The best friends find Nick and Jeff coming in their direction and holding hands.

"We talked. A lot. Thank you guys" Jeff says, smiling at Nick and then at the two other boys. "Finally" Wes says laughing "I would've gone nuts if you took much longer". "Congratulations" Blaine simply says and hugs his friends. He's really happy for them. Now they can go on a double date with Wes and Ana. Only Blaine needs his match now but that's impossible. His match would be Kurt and no one else but Kurt is in Lima, only a friend, someone he writes letters with but he's his whole heart.


Dear Kurt

The stage is so big but wow performing is so fun. I was so nervous I thought I'll die on stage but as soon as we were on I wasn't anymore. Does that make sense?

We won Sectionals. Now my fingers are crossed that you win too so we'll see each other at Regionals. Can't wait!

Also Jeff and Nick talked after some of Wes and my match maker magic and they are finally a couple!!!

We went back to Dalton to celebrate and ordered Pizza to our choir room so it's pretty late now and I'll go to bed. Goodnight.

Did you win Sectionals?

Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
Whoop!!! See you at Regionals!

We totally owned that stage!

I get the feeling you had. I have it everytime. Not only this amazing feeling on stage but also the nervous feeling before.
People might say you get used to it but I'm always nervous before going on stage. Always. That's kinda the kick in it. It makes you enjoy it even more.

Do you already practice for Regionals or do you tale a little break singing songs for fun and to relax a bit? We always take a break and our weekly assignment is not somehow connected to a competition.
Love Kurt

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