Chapter 22

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After the winter holidays


Dear Blaine
You won't believe what happened!!
Dad and Carol came to school and wanted to speak to Finn and me and they casually told us that dad proposed to Carol like it's the most normal thing ever,
He proposed! My dad proposed! My dad and Carol will marry! Finn and I will officially become step brothers! It's going to be amazing!

He picked her up from her shift and asked her, Just them and just like that but these two love birds are even more happy than me if that's still possible, The wedding will be in a couple of months already,
Even better they want live music and asked us so they will have a wedding with live music a lá New Directions, Makes me twice as nervous but also twice as exited,

No question because I'm too exited to think of one so just imagine me screaming from happiness and scream with me,

Love Kurt


Dear Kurt
I'm so happy for all of you (but for you the most of course).

Now imagine me screaming with you and hugging you happily. Your family really deserves happiness so I wish you all the best luck and hope it lasts forever.

And you and Finn already are close so everything will be fine or better.

A glee wedding sounds amazing but imagine what would've been if he asked earlier. Two words: Winter Wedding!!!
What happens with you and Finn when your parents are on their honeymoon?
Love Blaine


Dear Blaine

Your family deserves happiness too and in general someone who's a better husband and father than your dad is, I hope you know that because we all deserve that,
Winter wedding! My thoughts, I have everything in mind for that and you should've been there when I talked to my dad about it or more when I did a 20 minutes monologue about that,
A spring wedding will be fine too but the New Directions will rock the house either way, We all became really close and go strong together and in less than a month I'll see the Warblers perform against us at Regionals,
Finn and I either sleep at our friends house or maybe dad and Carol tell the old lady from next door to have an eye on us and we stay at home,

I mean I'd like staying at Rachels or so but the old lady, Miss Maier, always gives us cookies and she's really sweet and we would still have the house for us so that would be amazing,
I feel like it's been way too long since I asked but how are you and your mom or how is your dad lately? You're alright?
Love Kurt


Kurt is relieved when Blaine tells him that he's alright. Now he's able to concentrate on Regionals and wedding plannings again. Still he's worried about his best friend. Always since Blaine told him what's going on at home. It's just so sad that he has to go through this.

He really wants Blaine to be happy and follow his dream of being in a high school glee club that way he and Blaine could even meet once in a while but he really doesn't want Blaine as a competitor. Not because he thinks Blaine is better than him or the other way around but he doesn't want to bring their friendship in danger.

The Warblers were good but the New Directions were better so they are going to Nationals this year. And now that the Regionals are over it's finally time to fully concentrate on the wedding. Mostly.


Dear Blaine

Normally I'd say don't tell anyone but no one knows me in Westerville and I don't think it's that big of a deal if you talk to Wes about it but I think Finn and Rachel like each other, And I mean a lot more than just friends,
They do stuff alone, they get along great and they always share these looks, Oh my god! Maybe they're already together but didn't tell us, I definitly have to ask Finn when he comes back home from Pucks (or maybe he just told us he goes to Puck and is actually at Rachels?) Okay now I'm just picturing things (or maybe not?)

Mr. Hudson won't get away this evening without giving me useful answers, That's for sure, Updates follow in the next letter,

Sam too is lucky because he likes a girl named Mercedes and he asked her out on a date yesterday for this weekend and she said yes,

To fill you in Puck and Mercedes are both in glee club with us and while Puck gets along well with Sam and Finn (they all play football together) Rachel and I get along well with Mercedes and the three of us have almost the same plans for the future, Singing, performing, being famous you know?

If the Rachel-Finn thing is true and things work out between Sam and Mercedes then I'll definitly have to see who's going to the wedding with me,

I wish you could, Imagine that you could, Would you go with me if I asked you?

Love Kurt


Dear Kurt

Definitly need an update about Finn and Rachel. Imagine them being together since god knows when and non of you noticed until now even tho you and Finn live together.

Wish Sam good luck from me. I also need a follow up on that story!

I'm sure you'll find someone for the wedding even if it's only a good frined from glee club or so. I'm sure you'll find someone and won't go alone.

I actually get how you feel because Wes likes this girls called Anna. She's in our history class and just as much of a nerd as Wes (yes I know I'm one too but they are really and they show it).

Of course I'd go to the wedding with you if we would get the chance. Imagine me being there right by your side okay?

Do you have a date for the wedding now?

Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
Finn and Rachel weren't together but they were on two dates because they knew they liked each other, They didn't tell anyone just in case that it doesn't work out but yesterday they made it official,

I think things between Sam and Mercedes are going well too and they'll get together probably very soon, I already see them on double dates and I guess the right time and the right man just didn't came for me yet,

I hope things go well between Anna and Wes but I'm sure he can't forget his best friend so don't worry and when you go to Dalton he'll have a lot time for you since Anna can't come with him,
I'll imagine you sitting right next to me and I will save a dance for you,

The wedding is in one and a half weeks and I'm still looking for a date,
Are you a good dancer?

Love Kurt


(Blaine isn't bad at dancing but there's still room for improvement and he never slowdanced before like people do in movies at prom or on weddings)

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