Chapter 20

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When school starts again Blaine didn't really realized that it's his last year of middle school until Miss Tiger comes in and tells them how proud she is that her students grew so much and that she really enjoyed the time with them.


Dear Kurt
One week into the last year of middle school! Ahhhh!

Call me sentimental but when Miss Tiger held a little speech othday I actually teared up a little. I can't believe how fast time flies by.

Sometimes the time stood still or at least it felt like that but I still remember my first day like it was yesterday. And we know each other for so long! Crazy right? You went to middle school with me in some way.

How's high school going?

Love Blaine


Dear Blaine

I don't know how you felt but when I started middle school I felt so small with all the kids who are older than me, It got better the older I got and then suddenly I was the old kid the youngers look up to, Now in high school it's the same, We're the small ones again who look up to the older ones, Everyone's so big and old! I mean 18?! They are soo big,
I suppose in a few years that'll change again because we're the old ones then talking about the new ones, the young and small ones,

It's weird, I'm not going to lie, Getting older, Crazy right? You're in your last year of middle school and I started high school, Sometimes I'm scared that it all goes too fast you know? I don't want to miss out on something,

Good thing at living with Finn is that we can do our homework together, I'm really good at french and he's better in biology than me so we can study together,
But high school is also very cool because there's a glee club and Rachel, Sam, Finn and I all joined, It's called the new directions and the teacher seems really cool,

If your high school has a glee club will you join?

Love Kurt


Dear Kurt

Growing up is kinda scary to be honest. Sometimes I think about the future and start to panic. But I think that's normal and a lot of people have that problem.

But you know how strict my dad is. He has a clear vision about my future and that scares me even more. Does your dad has visions about your future too? You know about a job and all.

Between you and Finn who's better in maths? Asking for a friend.
Glee Club sounds like a lot of fun. If my future high school has a glee club I will join for sure and I pull Wes with me. He will like it there!

How do you imagine your future?

Love Blaine


Dear Blaine

Plans for the fututre, Well I kinda want to get into the arts, New York and Broadway and Rachel is there too, We have the same plans and dreams, Thinking further I'd say finding me true love and hoping that Rachel does too,

We move into apartments close to each other with our boyfriends and everyone gets along well, I will marry my boyfriend and we either adopt a child or have a suggorate, We will have a second child too and we love and support them endlessly, We get older and love our grandchildren just as much, Happily ever after I'd say,

But alone the arts and getting a job there, New York, will be hard so we'll see how everything works out,

My dad lvoes and supports me with whatever I decide (as long as it's legal of course), Sure he wishes job security for me and that's not guaranteed in the arts but he still supports me and believes me,

Between Finn and me I am better in maths but not really great, I can keep my B, To put it in other words I wouldn't live up to your fathers expectations, I hope that helped your "friend",

Glee club topic this week is Welcome because we slowly start getting closer and get along as a group and even find our ways in school, Which somg would you sing for this weeks assignment?

Love Kurt


"Wes! Can you promise me something?" Blaine asks during their lunch break and the other boy answers "Depending. What's on your mind Blainers?". "Kurt told me about glee club and when we go to high school and there's a glee club please join with me. I know you like to sing and we need to do that more often anyway. Glee club could give us the perfect opportunity.

I don't want to go alone and I really want to have my best friend with me. Pretty please? I think it'll be fun. Especially when we do it together" Blaine tells and looks at his best friend with puppy eyes. He knows they work. They work on everyone who's not Robert Anderson.

"Okay okay. If there's a glee club we will join together. First we will see and wait what high school we'll go to and then we can ask if there's a glee club. Does that sound okay Blainers?" Wes asks and laughs when his best friend nods happily.

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