Chapter 10

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The next day Kurt finally can go home again and before he and Burt leave the Hummel father asks Carol for her number, promising to stay in touch for future dates.


"Here buddy. That was in the mail for you when I came home yesterday" Blaine says, giving his son a letter with Blaines handwriting on it. Kurt takes it fast and goes no almost runs up to his room to read it and answer.


Dear Kurt
When the letter gets to you the gym exam should be over. How was it? Still hate sport that much? When do you get your grades?
I had another tutoring session today and we tried ways to do maths with the internet and all the pages that can help you and I even found some cheats for my homework after that. It was his idea but before we could do that I had to explain how to use the laptop because he didn't knew how. Grandpa!
We basically spend the whole hour on the laptop and did nothing. Not really. Besides me explaining him how the laptop works.
No question because I asked three about the exam.
Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
You want to know how the sport exam was? Well I tripped and fell, I sprained my ankle and my arm from hand up to just below my elebow is in a cast now because my wrist got hurt, Yay, So yes I still hate sport and I don't think I can get a grade after failing at the second station,
The tutoring session story made my day better again, It's the weekend and I got out of the hospital today so I think my friends will come around later today and we'll watch a movie,
I say friends because Rachel and I found a new friend at the gym exam (at least one good thing about that day), His name is Sam and he just moved here,
Favorite movie at the moment?
Love Kurt


Dear Kurt
Oh god! Unlucky you. How are you? Does it hurt a lot? And no you can't just say that you got out of hospital without any details. You actually had to go to the hospital??
I'm glad you found a new friend tho. Wes and I promised each other to look for more friends to join us but we'll see how it goes. We are also happy with just us so we won't try hard or too hard and just be us.
My mom took me shopping today and allowed me to buy a song book for practicing the guitar.
Don't say anything but at the moment I like Camp Rock a lot because Wes and I recently rewatched it (we got bored okay).
Favorite moment at the moment?
Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
Yes I was in the hospital and I got a little surgery so I was in hospital for two nights but nothing bad,
Over all I'm okay, It sometimes hurts a bit but I have a light pain killer, My ankle is almost back to normal but my arm will still take a while, The worst part is the cast because I can't reach under it and my skin there is itchy, Also not so great is the scar that will stay, It's small but still a scar at my wrist,
Good thing is no gym class for a while, At least until the cast is off and then I can slowly get back to it but not everything from the beginning,
Actually hospital had something good too because there's this nurse called Carol and my dad likes her (I say he's falling in love with her) and they got to know each other at the moment, Like actually right now because he allowed me to order whatever for dinner while he's on a date with her,
I never saw him this happy since we lost mom so I'm really happy for him and I hope they get together because of how happy they both seemed when I catched them looking at each (secretly) in hospital,
New music? Which song book did you got?
Can't complain about Camp Rock, Also Demi Lovato is a queen, I'm not better with my favorite because when Rachel and Sam came over we watched High School Musical so I guess that's my favorite movie at the moment and the song fabulus wouldn't leave my head,
The song book question and made progress in learning the guitar?
Love Kurt


Dear Kurt
I'm glad that your dad is happy and hope this will work out. Get better soon and rest so you're as good as new soon.
I got a song book with some top 90's songs. I kinda like old music so I want the 80's one some day but I also like when I can make the songs sound accustic with the guitar. I don't know if there's a song book for that but if yes then that's on my wishlist too.
Demi Lovato is a queen and there's nothing wrong with high school musical. Please don't judge me but Zac Efron is kinda cute. I meean Vanessa Hudgens is too but you know what I mean?
Guitar is getting better. I'm so 'good' that I can now start learning to play some songs and that's also why I got the book.
How long do you have to wear the cast?
Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
Good music taste!
Also yes I know what you mean, Zac Efron is kinda cute but I definitly prefer him in the musical parts than in the sport parts, Who would've thought that I don't like something sport related, Wow,
School is okay but a little difficult with my arm, It's the left arm so writing is no problem but everything else is a bit more difficult, Luckily I have Rachel and Sam to help me,
I have to wear the cast for hopefully 'only' six more weeks but after six weeks we'll see what will happen and if it healed or not yet,
Did you ever had to have surgery?
Love Kurt

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