Chapter 29

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TW: abuse

The Warblers only take a little break and soon enough it's back to 'what can we do at Regionals?'. Adding on that there are two exams and three papers but the friends study and practice together. But it wasn't enough because Blaine comes home with a C in his biology exam and a B in his geography paper. Blaine doesn't want to let his friends or anyone else know but his dad is furious and Blaine gets a taste of that. A slap across the face, pulling and twisting at his wrists and a fist to his chest. Blaine lands to the groud. His drunk and angry father hovers over him but the boy just stands up and runs to his room.

He locks himself in his room and takes the cream Pam gave him from the desk to use it. His skin feels like it's on fire and the cream has a cooling effect. It really helps. His cheek doesn't burn as much just like his wrists and chest. Once his mom is back from another sponsoring dinner he will talk to her. He waits for her to come back and when she doesn he talks to her. Telling her about his grades and about his dads reaction. Thanking her for the cream because it really helps. He only goes to bed at 1 am and tells his friends he's tired because he watched too much Netflix last night.

Warbler practice takes a little longer because Scott and David, two of the headboys, had a heated argument about the choreography so when Blaine is finally on his way home he just wants to eat and get some homework done before going to bed. His plans on the other hand change when he opens the front door. He hears his dad yelling and is that his mom crying? She said it's just yelling on both sides. The son quietly comes in, wanting to find out what's going on.

Blaine should've thought that it happens behind his back but he really believed his mom when she said that it's just yelling. He should've asked why his mom owns such a cream. Blaine only believes it when he sees it with his own eyes. His father slaps and hits him so naturally there was a chance that he does the same to his wife. But now that Blaine actually witnesses it he's in shock. That's why his mom had the cream. How often does he hurt her? When did that started? Did he do it to her when she said she'll talk to him for Blaine? The curly haired boy feels like he can answer all of these questions himself.

"Stop it! You're hurting her!" Blaine yells and realizes this won't help at all. It jjust makes Robert angrier "You! We were just talking about you!". "He wants you to quit glee and focus on school but I don't want you to quit" Pam fills him in, trying to hide the fact that she was crying and in pain even tho Blaine already saw it. "I won't quit and now let mom alone or I call the cops!" Blaines instinct took over when he saw his mom. He wants to protect her. She protected him so many times before.

"I don't think so" his father says. He snatches his sons phone out of his hand, throws it on the ground and steps on it. Blaine flinches when he hears the crack. "Now both of you out of my eyes before anything else breaks" he says dangerously calm. Blaine reacts fast. He takes his moms hand and helps her up the stairs to his room where he locks the door behind them. Pam sits down on the edge of the bed, hiding her face behind her hands "I'm so sorry that you had to see that". "Never apologize for his actions. Please" Blaine answers and gives his mother the cream from his desk. "Thanks" the woman mumbles and starts to rub it on her body, those parts that hurt.

"Mom?" Blaine asks when she's done and sits down next to her. "Yes?" the mother answers but she can't look at her son. She'll break down if she does. "We have to do something. You know that right?" Blaine asks and Pam nods "I know. I know and I should'Ve done something much earlier". "Hold on a few more days okay? I will think of something so we don't end up being homeless" she laughs a little but it's a sad laugh. Then she hugs her son "A few more days and I will have a solution to get us out of this mess". "Is- Is it okay if I tell Kurt? I know I can trust him" Blaine asks and his mom nods "I talk to someone I trust and you talk to someone you trust". "Thanks" Blaine whispers.

That night Blaine shares the bed with his mom. They don't know when or if Robert passes out on the couch or if he'll make it to the bedroom so they don't take the risk and both stay in Blaines room.


Dear Kurt
Yesterday something got out of hand before. It happened before and I didn't tell you but last night it was the worst.

It's my dad. He ''s been hitting my mom for quite a while now but I never noticed. Two weeks before sectionals he started hitting me too. I think he's been holding that back at least since my coming out but before sectionals he snapped.

I catched him hurting my mom yesterday and I wanted to help her. I said I'll call the cops but he broke my phone. Mom and I stayed in my room for the night.

Today at school when Wes asked why I didn't replied to his texts or calls I told him my phone fell down the stairs and broke. My mom wants to get me a new one as soon as possible. She also tries to find a solution. A way out for us.

I don't know what will happen next but I wanted to tell you because I felt like I needed to tell someone and I trust you the most.

Love Blaine


Dear Blaine

That sounds horrible. Please tell me non of you is physically badly injured and that your mom found a solution. Can I help in any way?
Thinking of you

Love Kurt


Dear Kurt
Within eight days my mom found a solution. I don't know anything yet because she was scared that my dad will hear it. She told me to pack tonight and say goodbye to my friends at school tomorrow.
I can tell them everything if I want to but I don't really want to scare them so I'll just tell them my dad isn't a good man and that I'm leaving.

She said she'll pick me up from school tomorrow with our stuff in the car so I guess we're moving somewhere else. I don't know where yet but as soon as I know I'll text you my new address.

This letter goes away the day that I'm moving so please don't write any more letters to this address so my father doesn't get them. Wait for my next letter from my new home.
Non of us is badly injured and we took good care of each other.
I don't think you can help at the moment but I tell you if that changes.

I'll be fine

Love Blaine


The very same evening Blaine packs everythign he needs. Clothes, some bowties, his favorite ones. Song books, guitar, the box with Kurts letters, pictures with him and his friends. It's late when he goes to bed 2 am but it's worth it. It'll be all worth it.

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