Chapter 9

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The next morning feels like a blur to Kurt. He woke up, they did a check up, he changed into the rope they gave him and complained about the free back of it and then he lays on the bed. Burt promises him to be there when he wakes up again and then he had to leave.

"Now Kurt please think about something happy" a nurse says and asks "Got something in mind?". Kurt nods silent but smiling and the nurse continues "Good. Now count down from ten to zero or just as far as you come".


He thinks about something happy. Very happy.


Blaine and his letters. The friendship they have and the trust and openness.


Kurt is pretty sure that Blaine is the best thing that could've happened to him. One of the best persons in his life.


Maybe one day they will meet and hug and never let go of each other. Kurt imagines what Blaine would smell like and how his arms would feel wrapped around him. Them being finally physically close to each others after only writing letters for so long.


These are still friendship thoughts right? He loves Blaine as a friend. Best friend. One he can tell everything and trust with everything.


One he thinks about almost non stop even now. Always waiting for the next letter to arrive. They're best friends.



"Kurt? Hey buddy" a voice, numb but familiar takes him back to reality and out of his dream. "Hm?" he mumbles, slowly blinking his eyes open and looking in his dads eyes. "Dad?" he mumbles "How did it go?". "Good. Your wrist needs time to heal but it'll be okay" Burt says with a caring smile.

Kurt smiles tiredly at him and stays awake just long enough that the Doctor could check up on him. Almost immediatly he falls asleep again while two nurses bring him and his bed back to his room.


"It's okay. He sleeps off the anasthesia. You look like you're about to fall asleep too. The cafeteria is open now so feel free to go down to the cafeteria for some coffee and breakfast" the nurse from yesterday explains to the Hummel father.

"Thanks nurse uhm-" he stops and searches for a name tag or similar but the woman smiles and finishes "Hudson. Carol Hudson". Burt nods "Burt Hummel" and asks "Would you mind showing me the way? It's easy to get lost in the big building". "Sure Mr. Hummel. Follow me" the woman smiles.

"Oh please call me Burt" the Hummel man offers without a why because that would be because he finds her charming. There's something behind that woman that makes Burt want to get to know her better. "Well you can call me Carol then" the nurse answers, feeling the same as Burt. If only they knew it yet.

"Thanks for bringing me" Burt thanks the nurse who laughs "You asked kindly so I had no reason to say no". "Maybe I can invite you for a coffee as a thanks not only for now but also for being so kind and understanding towards my son as well" Burt proposes.

"That's my job" Carol answers laughing kindly before adding "I take my break at 2 if you want we can meet back here again". "I'll be there" Burt says with a wide smile, waving when Carol turns around to go back to work. He gets himself some breakfast and coffee, smiling at the thought of this noon but knowing that he needs to talk to Kurt too.


"Hey dad" Kurt looks up from his book when Burt enters the room again. "Hey kiddo. Slept good?" his father asks, sitting down next to the bed again. "Yeah. I still feel tired but they say it'll get better and I can sleep if I want to. Where were you?" Kurt asks.

"Downstairs in the cafeteria to get some breakfast" Burt tells, hearing Kurts stomach mumur. He laughs "I know you're hungry but you can try to eat lunch in a few hours".

"Talking about lunch. Would you mind if I go to the cafeteria for lunch later? This might sounds crazy but Carol, this nurse, I think we have something. A connection" Burt tells and Kurt laughs "Love at first sight".

"I don't know if I'm ready. It hasn't been three years since your mom left but with her, Carol, I feel something that I haven't felt since Eliza so-" the man continues but his son cuts him off "Dad it's okay. Follow your heart and be happy. I'm fine".

"Thanks son. I just wanted to tell you immediatly so we're on the same page because we are always open towards each other" Burt smiles at his son and then asks "So what did you think about before drifting away?". His sons cheeks flush red as he mumbles "Blaine".


The time until lunch is passed with casual talking about everything and nothing and how Kurt thought about Blaine. Then Carol comes in to bring Kurt some light lunch. She still has to wait an hour for her own break and her lunch with Burt.

Hungrily Kurt starts eating, finishing within 15 minutes. He should've tried to take it slow but he was too hungry so this was the best he could do. But not slow enough because when Carol comes back 10 minutes after Kurt finished to take the tablet with her again she catches Burt taking the trash can from beside the bed before his son empties out his stomach.

She waits for Kurt to be done before asking "Do you want something against the nausea?". Kurt nods weakly, laying his head back on the pillow to take some deep breaths while Carol gives him something through his IV.

Then she takes the tray and the trash can and takes both out, giving the Hummels some privacy. Carefully Kurt stands up and goes over to the bathroom and the sink to brush his teeth and get rid of the aweful taste in his mouth.


When it's finally 2 Burt double checks if it's okay to let Kurt alone and then goes down to the cafeteria again. Carol arrives only a few minutes later and both buy lunch and coffee, Burt of course paying.

Carols whole lunch break the adults talk, get to know each other and find things they have in comon. Carol has a son in Kurts age and while Kurts mom died a few years ago the father of her son died when he was a baby.

They got along sp well that when Carols break is over the two exchange phone numbers so they can go on a real date some day, not in the cafeteria of the hospital.

Once back in Kurts room he preasures his father to tell him everything. Then he listenes to his father happily telling him everything. It's been a while since he saw his fahter this happy and if Carol brings the smile back on his fathers face then he should hold on to her.

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