Chapter 11

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Two months and a lot of letters later

For those of you who want to know Blaine did never had to have surgery before.


Dear Blaine
Good news! The cast is finally off, Two weeks later than it was planned before but it's off, Now I have to do physiotherapy so my arm regernerates again and gets used to everything again, I can't really explain it, The doctor explained it way to complicated but Carol helped me understand after,
Talking about Carol, Dad and her are getting serious now, Dad told me that he's happy and he and Carol are now officially dating and soon I'll meet her son, His name is Finn and he's my age,
I tell you more about everything when we actually met but I'm very exited and my dad is too, I love to see him all smiling after work when he tought about her or after a date or really just all the time,
Ready for next and last episode of exams for this school year?
Love Kurt


Dear Kurt
Feels like you had this cast on for an eternity. But I'm glad your wrist is okay again. You know that means that very soon you also have gym class again right?
I hope everything goes well with Carol and her son when you meet. Can't wait to hear about more details!
Everything is boring and normal here. Bit stressful because of exams but still managable.
Are you okay with everything happening right now? You know family and exams and help your wrist recover.
Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
The meeting is set for this week after exams so Finn and I both have time to concentrate on that and forget about exams and grades, Funny thing is that Lima is small but we still go to different middle schools (there are only two haha) so we never met before,
I'm actually doing okay too but yes it's a little stressful and I'm afraid that I black out again but it could've been worse and we just hope I don't black out,
Do you still learn with Wes or just with the tutor?
Love Kurt


Four weeks later


Dear Blaine
We went to breadstix again yesterday with Carol and Finn,
I think Finn still is a little overwhelmed with everything and he was quiet the evening but he always was and I think he more and more starts to warm up,
He seems like a nice guy, Like Sam and not like the other jocks you know?
I really like Carol, We talked about things like fashion (you know I love that and she needed some advice), She promised me to take me shopping next month and I can help her with choosing her clothes, Cool or cool? (I'd say cool)
My dad is so happy and that makes me really happy, They are officially dating for a bit more than a month now and evenings alone when he's on a date are really cool, And when we go out for dinner it'll be like a real family, That's how it felt yesterday,
I'm going to the movies with Rachel and Sam now, Maybe next time I ask Finn if he wants to come along, Or is it to early for that? I don't know, What would you say? I don't want to screw this up with Finn for my dad,
The school year is over in two months, Got any plans?
Love Kurt


Dear Kurt
I think Finn just needs time to figure out this whole family thing again or maybe just to meet more people. I don't know if he's more of the shy guy or not. But give him some time and I think with the time passing he'll come along. Did he tell something about himself? If yes maybe try talking to him about the things he likes.
As for the cinema. First of all I hope you had fun and second is my opinion. Depending on when you next go to the movies or something I'd ask him. If you plan to to tomorrow maybe not but if you go next month or so he maybe warmed up. You can ask him. He can't say more than no. That's not only for the cinema but for everything you three do that you want to invite him to.
I don't really have plans for the holidays. My mom has to work most of the time and my dad is on a business trip in Seattle over a few weeks. Some kind of conference but I don't know for sure.
But if my mom gets some days off we maybe visit her sister, my aunt. She's on vacation in London the whole summer and she rented a house so maybe we could stay at her house a few days. That would be so cool! My first vacation.If you go on vacation with Rachel again, maybe try to convice them to go to London this time. Highly recomended by me. Imagine us meeting there for the first time. How awesome and crazy would that be!?
Your birthday's coming up (again!? Time passes so fast!). Any plans or birthday wishes?
Love Blaine


Kurts birthday

Having school on a weekday is not always that cool but today it was okay. Rachel and Sam sang for him before school, no complications with any teachers or students and not too much homework.

After school Kurt, Sam and Rachel stop at the bakery, buying a cupcake for them and Finn who comes over once his school day is over too.

By now Finn warmed up and is really good friends with Sam, Rachel and Kurt so of course Kurt invited him over for his birthday. Today they will just hang out and on the weekend they go bowling.

Finn meets his freinds at the front door of the Hummel house. A friend from his school said their parents could drop him off since they live close to Kurt and so they did. Carol herself still has to work just like Burt. So now the friends have the house for themselves.

Everyone puts down their bags, slips out of their shoes and jackets and sits down in front of the TV, chatting casually while eating their cupcakes and watching the minions.

Shortly before the movie ends the door bell rings. It can't be Carol and Burt has the keys. They ordered pizza only a minute ago so it also can't be the pizza guy.

Not knowing who it could be Kurt pauses the movie and opens the door just to see the postman "Package for Kurt Hummel?". "That's me" Kurt answers rather confused. He takes the package, signs the paper and closes the door again.

With the box in his hand he goes back to his friends in the living room where he's greeted by three pair of curious eyes. "Who was that?" Rachel asks, Sam following "From whom is the box?" and Finn adding "What's in it?". The chestnut haired boy shrugs, sits down and says "Let's find out".

It's a simple brown package with only his adress on it. The adress in Blaines writing. Kurt smiles and carefully opens the box. The first thing he sees is a letter which he takes out and reads siletly. His friends doesn't need to know in full detail what Blaine and he write in their letters.


Dear Kurt
I found out that sending a package isn't that hard or expensive once in a while so I wanted to send you something. You said you like romantic books so I looked through mine and send you two of my favorites. I hope you don't have them already and you love them just as much as I do when you read them.
If you read them tell me what you thought about it so I finally have someone to talk about it with. Then we not only would be pen pals but also book buddies.
Also in there are some 'designs'. I like bowties and I was bored so I tried to be creative for once. Tell me what you think about it or maybe not because some of them are hilarious and I just made them out of boredom. Maybe you can also design some because you know way more about fashion than me.
I hope that this arrives in time or not too early or to late and I hope you like it.
Happy birthday to my best friend!!! I wish you a wonderful day with your friends and family and I will think about you today and celebrate you. Cheers to you birthday boy.
Love Blaine


Now it's official. Blaine has gone crazy. Crazy to actually put in the effort in sending him somethign for his birthday.

"It's from Blaine" Kurt finally says and can't hide the wide grin that spreads on his lips. "Awww" he hears Rachel "What did he send you?". "Books. His favorites that he think I'd enjoy too" the birthday boy answers and takes the books out. Those books are indeed once he haven't read yet and as soon as he finishes his current read he'll start one of them.

For now he puts everything safely aside and makes a mental note to write Blaine a letter when his friends are all gone.


Dear Blaine
Are you crazy?! You didn't need to send me anything for my birthday, Thank you, Honestly, I love it, Really big big big thank you,
I actually don't have these books but when I read them I'll tell you my thoughts about them for sure because they sound amazing,
I love your bowtie designs, So creative, I love colors and even tho it's a little extra it's just you and that makes it special, Unique,
Your present came exactly at my birthday and I was really taken by surprise, Rachel, Sam and Finn were at my place to watch a movie because we wanted to hang out and do something on the weekend,
We're going to the bowling hall so fingers crossed that I win,
Last phase of exams coming up, How are you feeling?
Also summer holidays after! Whoop!
Love Kurt

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