Chapter 21

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This weeks glee club assingment is discovering yourself and Kurt thought long and hard about what to sing. He listened to his playlist and to other playlists and songs. Some more popular and some less.

He thinks about Sam coming out, him questioning and his coming out. And finally Blaine. No matter how he thinks about how he discovered himself and his thoughts always go back to Blaine. Blaine helped him discover himself. Blaine.

He doesn't even know Blaine personally. Face to face. Real life. Only through his letters.

Then it hits Kurt. Just a few seconds ago a song ended that would fit perfectly. He'll do that one. He'll prepare that song. Learn lyrics and the notes. No choreo. Not even a small one. No. Not for that song. This one will come from his heart.

Since Kurt and the rest of the glee club still get used to know each other he actually feels a little nervous. Sam, Finn and Rachel will get what the song is about but what if the rest gets confused, asks questions and he has to explain.

It doesn't matter. He'll do this. So once it's his turn Kurt takes a chair and sits down. For the split of a second he closes his eyes and breathes. Then the music starts playing and he sings.

How can you miss someone you've never met?

Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet

But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?

Yeah, I need you now, but I don't know you yet

'Cause lately it's been hard

They're sellin' me for parts
And I don't wanna be modern art

But I only got half a heart to give to you

How can you miss someone you've never seen?

Oh, tell me, are your eyes brown, blue, or green?

And do you like it with sugar and cream?
Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?

Yeah, lately it's been hard
They're sellin' me for parts
And I don't wanna be modern art
But I only got half a heart to give to you
And I hope it's enough

How can you miss someone you've never met?
'Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet

But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?

Yeah, I need you now, but I don't know you yet

I need you now, but I don't know you yet
I need you now, but I don't know you yet
I need you now, but I don't know you yet

I need you now, but I don't know you yet

He smiles when he finishes and everyone applaudes him. Then he sits down again and watches the next performance. A girl goes to the front, blond hair and wearing a Cheerio uniform. Her name is Quinn Fabray so Kurt remembers.

But Kurt hardly lsitens to her because Finn leans over to him "Will you tell Blaine that you sang for him?". "What? No! I don't want him to think I'm a creep who's obsessed with him or to know that I like him that way. He doesn't even like boys" Kurt answers and shakes his head.

Time passes by fast for Blaine in his last year in middle school. Wes and Blaine found out that they will go to the same high school and when they looked around for the clubs they saw that there will be a glee club too. They weren't there that day but there will be one and both Blaine and Wes are very exited. Blaine even more because now he can tell Kurt.


Dear Kurt
Wes and I went to visit our future high school and I love it there. I honestly can't wait but I hope the next 9 month will pass quickly.
It's an all boys school and it has a zero bullying policy. It has a glee club too. Wes and I already know that we want to audition.
Also they wear school uniforms that look really cool and even tho I can't wear my bow ties in school I don't have to worry about what to wear to school every day in the morning.
Oh and I forgot to mention. It's the Dalton Academy and their Glee Club is called the Warblers so maybe you've heard of them from your teacher or so. I didn't saw them yet but they're supposed to be really good.
Did you make new friends in Glee Club?

Love Blaine


Dear Blaine
What! The Warblers? No way! We saw them perform at sectionals and they were amazing!
We were good too and actually rocked our sectionals, That means we're enemies at regionals later this year,
So if you and Wes join the Warblers next year this will mean two things,
First we'll meet at some point at a competition but second and worse is that we'll be competing against each other,
If that happens please promise me to put our friendship first because I heard stories about friendships being destroyed because they were competitors in something and couldn't handle that, They sabotaged each other and turned their backs from each other, I don't want that to happen to us,
I'm glad that you're exited about high school tho and believe me the school year ends faster than you can think of,
Yes, We're pretty close in the glee club, I'm still closest with Sam, Rachel and Finn but the others and I go strong too, All of us, Like we're a little family of art geeks that love to perform,
I'm sure you will find friends in the glee club too,
If you get the chance to audition now which song would you sing?
Love Kurt

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