Chapter 15

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After the gym exam:

Blaine passes the gym exam and actually did very well. Of course he got an A but he has to admit that he thought about Kurt a lot during the day. Robert Anderson doesn't say a word while his mom is proud of him. But Kurt is the proudest of all which makes Blaine smile a lot.

But now it's back to school again. Whoever had the great idea to put the gym exam on the first day after holidays deserves a slap in the face if you ask Blaine. But now he has classes and two more weeks time before the next exams.


Kurt spend his holidays thinking a lot. Alone. Even his friends are worried so now, two weeks back to school, the group of friends decide to go to the mall after school to eat there.

"Kurt you need to talk with us. We're your friends and you're unusually quiet" Rachel says and looks worried at his best friend. "I- It's complicated" the chestnut haired boy says and hangs his head. "Is it about what we talked about in summer?" Now Finn asks and sees the other boy nod.

"It's okay. If you tell them we can try to help" the tall boy encourages and again Kurt nods. He takes a sip from his coke because suddenly his throat feels awfully dry.

"Since Sam told us he's bi I started to question my sexuality too. I talked to Finn about it and he told me you all suspect that I have a crush on Blaine. I couldn't get it out of my head.

But I think now I'm sure what I am. Maybe not a hundret percent but almost and until I'm not fully sure I won't tell my dad. But I want to tell you because you're my best friends and I don't know if you could even help".

He takes a deep breath before saying "I'm gay and yes I think I like Blaine. But I have no idea how that is possible because I only know him because of his letters.

I never saw him or met him and he could be lying and pretent to be someone who he isn't but I still like him. More than a friend and I don't know if that makes sense".

"It kinda does. And if you still get confused or want to talk or anything we're here for you Kurtie" Rachel says and hugs her best friend. Quickly Kurt finds himself in a little group hug.

He closes his eyes for a second, some tears rolling down his cheeks, The last months were really confusing for him but now in the embrace of his friends he feels the relieve wash all over him.


Dear Blaine
Sorry for taking some time to answer, I hope your exams went well and now we can rest because it's not long anymore until the holiday season and I'm already looking forward to music and cookies,
My exams were okay, More or less, It's been a couple of exhausting weeks, Since Sams coming out actually but now it's better, But I had a blackout again and this time in history, Luckily not an F but an E,
When my dad comes home I'll have to explain it to him but I think that's okay, The rest are B's and a C so it's still good, Blackout sucks but it could've been worse,
What's going on in your life? Any plans for the holidays?
Love Kurt


"Dad?" Kurt calls when the man comes home from work "I got my grades". "Great. How did you do?" the father asks while taking off his shoes and jacket. "Okay. B's and a C but also and E. I told you about the blackout in history" Kurt tells and his dad can see the look an his sons face. He seems... sad?

" I go and change. You can order pizza already and then we talk and eat okay bud?" the man proposes and when his son nods he goes up the stairs to take a quick shower and change.

Twenty minutes later the Hummel men sit on the couch and eat the pizza. "How do you feel about the blackout Kurt?" Burt asks and his son answers "It's not that good but the last months were kinda exhausting so I wan't really surprised. Still sucks tho".

"Exhausting? In which way?" Burt asks confused. "In the beginning of the school year Sam came out to us as bi and it got me thinking. Long and hard and it was confusing so I was surprised the first exams of the year went so well but I knew a blackout could come.

Now short before the exams I finally came to a decision that fells right and that I can accept. ":" Kurt stops and takes a deep breath. It's the same like when he told his friends. Dry throat and watery eyes.

"Dad" Kurt says and puts his pizza away for a moment "I- I'm gay". A tear rolls down his cheek. They never talked about stuff like this before and Kurt has no idea how he'll react.

Burt is quiet for a moment, thinking about what he should say, then he says "Don't take it wrong but you're young and I feel like I have to ask. Are you sure?". "Yes dad. I'm sure" Kurt answers with a firm nod. "Okay" Burt says and goes quet again for just a few seconds.

"It's good that you figured yourself out and that you accepted it. Now I'm not really educated in this area but we'll figure it out together" he continues.

His son nods while a few silent tears of relief run down hot on his skin. His father now too sets the pizza down and says "Now come here and give your old man a hug. I can't see you cry or I might start too". He takes his son in his hands who holds him tight until he'S sure that no more tears are running.

"It's Blaine isn't it?" Burt asks after a moment or two of comfortable silence. Kurt nods, not saying anything else about it so he stays silent too. He should've known but that's another thing to figure out and they will figure out together.

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