William James Moriarty

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Being the only woman on the Moriarty Plan gets intimidating sometimes.
So to ease (Y/n)'s nerves William lets her reside in the opposite manor for however long she needs to calm down.
After William learned about her traumatic experience he has done everything he can to help.
But he also realized (Y/n) is stuck in place because of this trauma and the man behind it.
For the many months of planning he finally came up with a foolproof plan for a mission.

William calls everyone in to discuss the mission.
Upon hearing who the nobleman is (Y/n) tenses and looks at William quickly.
His expression remains stoic and serious.
"So on top of everything else he's beating and raping these women too? That bastard." Moran growls and clenches his fists.
"That's awful." Bond whispers, looking over the documents in his hand.
"I-I can't." (Y/n) finally stutters.
"You are the lead in this mission; you have to." William orders and stands up. He walks to the window and looks out.
Tears water the woman's eyes and she leaves the room.
"Everyone is dismissed. Bond please stay though. I must speak to you about your role."
The blonde nods and sits on the couch. "As you wish William."
Everyone leaves and starts preparing for the mission.

William sighs softly and finally turns to his friend.
"What's wrong?" James asks quietly.
"I am telling you this in confidence. You must not speak a word of this to anyone."
"Of course William. Does this have to do with (Y/n)?"
"Yes. The nobleman I have chosen made (Y/n) one of his victims many months ago. Fortunately for us he believes she died that night. But due to those events she hasn't been the same. It is why she needs breaks so often from the group."
"The poor woman. I'm so sorry. I remember a time when men would try to have their way with me. Thankfully I was strong enough to fend them off or other, kinder men would come to my rescue."

"That is exactly why I have a special assignment for you. I need Irene Adler back, just for the night everything happens."
"What?" Bond questions, shocked.
"(Y/n) will be vulnerable and terrified and in need of a woman's comfort. I can't have any of the others there, it will just trigger her. I'm asking Irene to please comfort her and make sure she doesn't do anything. Everything must go according to plan and everyone must come back here immediately."
"William I..." Bond trails off and looks at his lap.
It was strange to think about his past life and taking on that role again.
But as he thought more he couldn't say no.
"I'll do it for her sake. You can count on me."
"Thank you Bond. I'll make sure a dress and wig are prepared for you."
"Understood. But she seemed very unwilling to help on this mission. How will you convince her to actually go through with it?"
"You needn't concern yourself with that. I will go to her now. If you'll excuse me."

William walks to the woman's room but finds it empty.
And when it's empty he knew exactly where she was instead.
(Y/n) reaches out to a flower pot but quickly pulls her hand away.
All of her emotions come out as her mind races and she cries loudly as she rips the petals off the stems.
"Oh my. Dear Fred will be very cross to know his hard work on the gardens is being destroyed."
(Y/n) quickly turns to the blonde.
Her anger comes out and she throws the petals at his chest.
Hot tears stream down her cheeks and burn and blind her.

William sighs softly and puts his hand on the back of her head.
She leans in and buries her face in his chest. "William, please don't make me face him again. Even pretending to be his victim...it's too much."
"(Y/n) darling, do you know what made me fall in love with you?"
The woman blushes but shakes her head.
"When I first saw you your head was held high and I could just tell you were dignified and strong willed. Nothing would deter you and no one could tell you what to do. There was a flame in your eyes that I found attractive and I couldn't help myself. I wanted to court you. And when you agreed to be mine I was thrilled."
(Y/n) smiles softly as he cups her cheek. She tips her head into his palm gently.

"When I came home to find you a mess I was seething in anger but I hid it for your sake. You've changed and rightfully so but I wish for your happiness again. I want to make him pay for hurting you but you must overcome this and bestow the punishment. I love you deeply and will be right here when you return. Open arms, comfortable nightgown or warm milk. Whatever you need to calm your mind and bring back your former self."
William kisses her forehead.
The woman sniffles and shakes her head. "I'm sorry I've been such a burden. I didn't want you to worry. I know the scandal it could have caused and that's the last thing I wanted. We're supposed to keep you all out of the spotlight. I'm so sorry." She whispers and grips his vest tightly.
The blonde man smiles softly and makes her look into his eyes.
"Do this mission for me and we'll call it even. Ok?"
She sniffles but nods. "I'll do my best. I love you so much William."

"So now you're Irene Adler again? What the hell is going on?" Moran complains.
"Shut up and follow the plan." Fred responds and looks around the grounds from his place in the tree near the two others.
The blonde sighs and sneaks into the building.
Moran pinches the bridge of his nose and groans. He cocks his gun and looks for his first target. "Am I the only one who is ever out of the loop?"

(Y/n) pants heavily and holds the dagger with shaking hands.
"You're supposed to be dead. I killed you!" The nobleman yells, backing away from the (h/c).
"Back from the grave to haunt you. Back to exact revenge for the life you stole from me. Now my lord you will pay!" She yells and charges him.
Unfortunately his adrenaline kicks in and he fights back.
She cries loudly as he pins her down.
"I will simply take you again and dispose of you with my own hands." The man smirks and rips her dress.
Her PTSD takes over and she cries loudly.
The man laughs and he is about to free himself.
Her hands grips the dagger and she manages to stab her attacker in the neck.

Blood splatters everywhere just as Irene runs in.
Her eyes widen at the sight.
"(Y/n)," she calls and runs over.
Before (Y/n) can stab the man repeatedly Irene wraps her arms around her friend's shoulders.
The (h/c) drops the dagger but still freaks out at the sudden contact. "Let me go! Please don't hurt me! Don't touch me!" She yells desperately.
Irene just holds the woman close and pets her hair. "It's ok! You're ok now. He's dead (Y/n). You're safe now."
As she calms down and realizes who is holding her she takes deep breaths.

"I'm glad I caught you before you could stab him anymore. The police would consider it overkill and question everything."
(Y/n) realizes that would have ruined William's plan completely and she begins to cry again.
The blonde sighs softly and holds her close. "The police will arrive shortly. Do you think you'll be ok by yourself? I must leave before they come."
The victim nods and pulls away. "Thank you for being here. I don't know what I would have done if it was one of the men."
"Yes, well, William planned for this outcome. I must take my leave now though, I hear the sirens coming closer."
(Y/n) nods quickly and gets into place.

After the police question her and clean her up they offer her a ride home.
Upon arriving home William rushes out of the manor, still in his robe and looks very concerned.
"Darling what happened? Your dress is completely indecent."
"Your fiancée was a victim of Lord Ravendwarf. I'm so sorry for the circumstances. If she so desires for you to know the details I will allow her to tell you. Look after her Lord Moriarty, and goodnight." The officer bows and leaves.
William wraps his arm around his fiancée and guides her inside. "Are you ok darling? Tell me truthfully."
(Y/n) buries her face in his chest and inhales his scent.

The man rubs her back and remains silent.
Finally she nods. "I'll be ok." She whispers and looks up into his eyes slowly.
William smiles softly and kisses her forehead. "Then the plan was a success. You will no longer be a shadow of your former self. Let us run you a bath and I will hold you tonight."
"You'll sleep with me tonight? Don't you have more important things to do? Like plan your next mission?"
"Darling, you need me. My plans can wait until morning."
The woman sighs but nods. "Is Bond the only one that knows?"
William's expression turns serious. "Yes. And it will remain that way."
(Y/n) nods and squeezes his hand.

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