Albert James Moriarty

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Albert wraps his arm around his girlfriend's waist.
"I think if she wants to help we should let her." William responds and the woman smiles.
"Thank you brother. If Moran can do it I think I should be able to. Plus I can probably do it better."
"Excuse me? My lady I am a perfect gentleman when I wanna be. I can charm the ladies and still make sure this tea party goes off without a hitch."
"Then I will gladly dress as a butler and provide assistance."
Albert sighs and kisses her temple. "Darling you don't have to."
"I want to enjoy the tea party and since people will suspect something if I go as myself, my only option is to dress as a man. And seeing as how Bond has blended in I should as well."
"Such a tomboy." Jack mumbles and chuckles quietly.
"Fine. I will allow it." Albert grumbles and sighs softly.
(Y/n) smiles and kisses his cheek.

Come Sunday (Y/n) is well dressed and to everyone's surprise quite convincing.
The woman bows then puts her elbow on Bond's shoulder. "How do I look?" She asks in a masculine voice.
"I'm gonna tell you what I told Bond, just because you kinda look the part doesn't mean you can act the part." Moran grumbles and crosses his arms.
"(Y/n) and I have been practicing so she's a natural by now." James assures and smiles.
"Perfect. Then let us get into position. Our guests will be arriving shortly." William instructs and everyone disperses.

Right away women flock to William and Albert while (Y/n) serves tea.
She rather enjoys seeing Albert bashful and slightly uncomfortable. The (h/c) was also enjoying her new role.
The women took a liking to her and didn't hesitate to ask questions and flirt.
Everything was going smoothly and (Y/n) made sure to stay close to her boyfriend.

Unfortunately the women were getting more bold in their conversations and the flirting wasn't as harmless as it started out.
(Y/n) did her best to ignore them and her jealousy.
Even when Albert looks to her for help she ignores him and continues serving the women still enjoying the refreshments.
As the evening was coming to a close (Y/n) noticed a rather pushy woman trying to make unwanted advances toward Albert.
He did incredible in hiding his discomfort but (Y/n) knew better.
This she needed to help with.

"Excuse me madam but I require lord Albert's assistance with something. It shan't take too long." (Y/n) gently tugs on the brunette's arm and he bows then follows her away.
Moran immediately entertains the woman so she wouldn't be too discouraged.
"Thank you darling." He whispers so only she could hear.
"Think nothing of it my lord." She responds and smiles at the passing guests.
Once the two are inside they go to his room.
(Y/n) locks the door and Albert immediately exhales quickly.
He puts his hand on his chest and sits on the edge of his bed.
"Albert, you're ok. I'm here." She kneels in front of him and rubs his knee.
He smiles down at her and rubs her cheek with his thumb. "Thank you for helping me darling. I thought I was strong enough to last the day but this last encounter proved too difficult. I'm sorry for my show of weakness."

"Albert," (Y/n) begins and laughs quietly. "Don't apologize. You don't enjoy women flirting with you and getting in your personal space, I understand. I don't know if it's because you're taken already or because you don't enjoy the company of women but you're ok now. The tea party is nearly done. Do you think you can go back out for the goodbyes?"
Albert takes a deep breath and nods. "Yes I can. I've taken my breather and will be fine until everyone leaves."
"Perfect. Let's go darling."
The two go back outside and say goodbye to the ladies as they exit the gate.

William puts his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Are you ok brother?"
Albert smiles and nods. "I am Will. Thank you for your concern."
"(Y/n) you did wonderful. The guests took a special interest in you." William compliments and smiles at the (h/c).
"Too bad for them they'll never see you like this again." Moran adds and crosses his arms.
"I think you played the part perfectly." Bond pats his friend's back and smiles.
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "Thanks everyone."

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