Moriarty The Patriot

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What William loves most about (Y/n) is how carefree she is.
The woman is beautiful and smart, yes, but what drew him to her is how much fun she is to be around.
At first Louis detested the girl for how free spirited she is and how reckless. Although eventually he came to love it too.
Albert enjoys a good laugh every time she pulls a prank on one of the men.
Moran is usually the butt of the jokes.
Once in a while she'll convince Bond or Fred to help her.

But recently she hasn't done anything, of course this was on purpose.
William took notice of her calm demeanor recently and questioned her about it.
"I've grown bored." She simply replied.
But this didn't stop Moran from scolding her in front of everyone one morning.
"Why the hell have you replaced my tooth cleaner with soap?!" He yells, gripping the collar of her dress. "This is the third time this week!"
(Y/n) looks at him frightened. "I-I haven't!"
"Bullocks! We all know it was you."
"I haven't pulled any pranks for weeks now. I swear!" She yells, squeezing her eyes closed.

"Moran let go of her immediately!" Albert scolds and glares at the raven haired man.
"I agree. (Y/n) hasn't done anything for a few weeks now. I inquired about the subject myself." William confirms and looks at Moran.
The said man growls and let's the woman go.
(Y/n) rubs her collarbones gently and walks away quickly.
"Moran you're such a brute. You probably really hurt her." Bond mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm sure you mistook the two items Moran." Fred adds quietly.

William watches (Y/n) leave then frowns. He gently puts the paper down on the table, stands and follows her.
(Y/n) runs upstairs which William didn't find odd.
He assumed she would go to her room to cry so they wouldn't have to see.
But when he walks to her room he finds it empty.
Although he finds the next door open slightly.
Moran's room.
William opens the door and his eyes widen slightly.

The blonde crosses his arms and clears his throat.
(Y/n) gasps and turns around quickly. "W-William! What are you doing here?"
"I followed to comfort you but here I find you red handed. And to think you swore it wasn't you pranking Moran. How can I ever trust you after this?"
His expression makes the woman blush and back up toward the wall the closer he gets.
Finally their bodies are pressed together and his breath is hot on her face.
"Please don't tell him. I-I'll stop doing pranks. I promise this time. I swear on-"
"I think... you deserve some punishment (Y/n)."

Before anything else can be said or done someone clears their throat.
The two look over and see the owner of the room.
"Can you two not do...whatever this is, in my room. That would be much appreciated." Moran grumbles walking to his bed.
"I apologize. We must've come in here by accident."
William walks toward the door and (Y/n) follows close behind.
"(Y/n)." Moran calls, stopping the woman.
She looks over at the ex-colonel.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I overreacted and I shouldn't have assumed it was you. Please forgive me."
(Y/n) frowns and shakes her head. "It was my own fault. I deserve the bruises."

Both men frown and look at the woman quickly.
"D-did I really bruise you? I'm so sorry!" Moran quickly apologizes.
William frowns and takes a step toward the (h/c).
Although her laugh makes them confused.
"Nah I'm joking! You didn't hurt me nor scare me. I was just pretending the whole time you were yelling at me." (Y/n) clutches her stomach as she laughs.
Moran growls and throws a pillow at her.
William couldn't hold back his own laughter. He shakes his head and exits the room.
(Y/n) is bubbly and carefree. She brightens up the lives of the Moriarty group, making them temporarily forget their depressing plans and ultimate demise.

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