Albert James Moriarty

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Albert is a very busy man.
Between his army work, MI6 and the Moriarty Plan he seldom has time for himself.
So when he has a chance he likes to walk around town.
Not much changes in the streets of Durham nor London.
He gives loose change to those in need and greets passerbys kindly.
Nothing usually catches his eye either.
Although sometimes he'll see a gift in a window and think of one of his brothers.
He loves gifting things to William and Louis. He was especially proud of the sweaters he knit them that one time.
Although today something else, or rather, someone caught his eye.

A young woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.
Her skin glowed angelic in the setting sunlight.
His eyes widen slightly but he keeps walking.
He didn't need prying eyes watching him watch her.
Especially seeing as how she's a commoner.
Not that he cares about class of course.
Her beauty caught his attention but her kind heart caught his guarded one.

"Albert, you are smiling at the soup. Did something happen?" William questions his brother at dinner.
"Hm? Nothing of importance. The soup is delicious, Louis."
The younger blonde smiles. "Thank you brother."
William knew his brother was hiding something but decided against pushing further.
Albert finishes eating then stands. "I have important business to attend to. Please excuse me."
"Shall I bring you tea Albert?" Louis asks, starting to stand.
"No, that won't be necessary. Thank you though, for the offer."
"Goodnight brother," William mumbles.

Albert puts his hat on and leaves the manor.
The ride into town is silent as he looks out the window.
"Brother, is Albert sneaking out?" Louis inquires.
"Technically we know he's leaving so it's not sneaking out. But he is doing something he doesn't want us to know about. Shall we follow and find out?"
Louis smiles and nods. "I want to help him if he needs it."
"As do I."
So William and Louis follow the carriage into town.

Upon arrival into town Albert exits the carriage and begins walking.
He navigates expertly, pulling his cap lower on his brow, trying to look less suspicious.
William and Louis are confused by his appearance.
Ragged shirt and pants with holes. A newsboy's cap on his brown hair.
"Brother, why is he dressed like one from the slums?" Louis asks quietly.
"We are in the slums. I'm assuming he doesn't want to draw attention to himself. Or present himself as a noble."
"That's what we're here to find out." William pulls his black cloak further over his head to hide his face.

Albert stops at a door in an alley then knocks twice.
William and Louis peer around the corner just in time to see a woman open the door.
"Al, you've come again. You promised you wouldn't."
"I can't help it. Shouldn't I want to see my love every day?"
"You're a nobleman and I'm a commoner."
"And I've told you countless times my love, I don't care. It is you I love, not your status."
"Al come inside before someone sees you."
"So you aren't pushing me away. We've made progress already." He kisses her knuckles and goes inside.

Louis looks at William sadly. "He's seeing a woman from the slums? Why would he hide this from us?"
William remains staring at the door. "Because he knows they can never be happy together openly. He can't marry her or start a family with her. All he has are these secret nights he sneaks about."
The professor's expression is grim and his fists clench.
He thinks back to Frida and Lucien.
Two lovers pulled apart by status.
William did not want to see his brother end the same.
"Brother what will we do?"
"I want to know more about this woman before anything."

(Y/n) goes about as normal, working hard, while William observes her from a decent distance.
Although to get a better understanding he has plenty of conversations with her as well.
She has nothing but a kind and sweet aura.
After a couple weeks and she began to get used to seeing him, he asked to speak to her somewhere private.
She informed him quickly that she was taken and her partner would be very cross if she took another man to her bed.
William immediately shut her worries down, informing her that's not what he wanted of her.

Once they get back to her place she gestures to the table.
William remains standing while she sits.
"Sir, I don't know what a noble like yourself could want with me. I hope I've not offended you during our frequent meetings."
"Nothing of the sort I assure you. Although I've come to discuss a rather dire situation."
"Dire, how so?"
"My brother Albert, as of late, has been sneaking out quite frequently. I worry for him deeply and decided to follow him one night. I saw him here and I heard him confess his love for you."
(Y/n)'s eyes widen. "Sir I-"
"Will you deny it?"

(Y/n) looks away. "You must be William. Albert approached me many months ago and began courting me. I told him we couldn't be together but he would have none of it. My feelings for him are genuine but I do not want him to suffer because of it. He claims to love me but we both know he can only see me if he visits at the dead of night."
"You are correct. But I will devise a plan that makes it possible for you to be together. If that is what you wish."
"I love Albert. Truly I do, but how-"
"Leave that to me. As long as your intentions are pure and love him for all that he is."

(Y/n) looks away sadly.
"What's wrong?" William asks.
"He told me he was part of something good but did bad things. He confessed that he didn't want me to be apart of it in fear that I would get hurt. He didn't go into detail."
"I understand. Which means my plan's finale is set in stone."
"Your what?"
"Never you mind. I will send Albert tomorrow and he will give you happy news."
"Happy news?"
"Yes. I look forward to our next meeting."

Albert smiles and rushes to (Y/n)'s.
The woman was startled by his sudden entrance. "Lord Moriarty what-"
He kisses her and her eyes widen. "William has spoken to you, yes?"
"I have spoken to him many times, yes."
"He has given me permission to ask your hand in marriage. If you will have me that is. I love you deeply and I wish to spend whatever time I have left with you."
"What are you on about Albert? We couldn't get married. I'm-"
"It doesn't matter, not in the world we strive to create. Our marriage will be a stepping stone. I will make you happy and we will not have to worry about anyone ever again."

Tears water the woman's eyes.
"You wish to marry me Albert?"
"Yes darling. I wish to stand in front of our friends and family, proclaim my love and release the burden on my shoulders. I can begin anew when the final problem has come to an end."
"I know you never told me what you're a part of but I wish to know. How can I support you if I do not know?"
"It is best you don't know. If anyone were to ask, your ignorance is a key factor."
(Y/n) sniffles and kisses the man.
Her hands cup his face and his do the same as he kisses back.
"I love you Albert."
"I love you too my darling."

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