William James Moriarty

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(Y/n) paces back and forth in the parlor, every once in a while lifting her tea cup to her lips, only to not drink.
Albert walks past only to stop and enter the room. "My dear, why are you pacing?"
"Have you ever seen William angry? Or sad? Or anything other than happy and stoic?"
The said brunette thinks a moment then shakes his head. "Not that I can recall. Maybe on a mission but nowhere else, I think. Why?"
"I want to see them. I want to know what his face looks contorted in anger or pain or sadness. I know he feels them but never shows them. It's like he refuses to show me anything but a smile."
"Isn't that a good thing (Y/n)?" Albert asks with a small laugh.
"I mean yes but... I want to know, ya know?"
Albert smiles slightly and nods. "I understand."

(Y/n) goes back to pacing, trying to figure out a way to get William to show more emotion.
Although the said man notices and walks in as his brother leaves.
"Good luck," Albert mumbles.
"My love... what's wrong?" William inquires and takes her cup and saucer, setting them on the coffee table.
"I hate you!" She blurts, turning to the man quickly.
Red eyes widen and he takes a step back.
"Bewilderment! One down." The woman mumbles to herself and looks over her partner's face.
"You hate me?" He questions, sadness paints over the shock. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Sadness, check. No William, you haven't done anything wrong."
"Then why-"
"Because these are new emotions you're showing me. What makes you angry?"

William watches his wife put her finger to her lip as she thinks. "Angry?"
"Yes. Oh! Would you like to know what I really think of Louis?"
"Excuse me?"
The conversation was happening so quickly he barely had time to process everything.
"He's weak, pathetic and a waste of oxygen. He should have died on the streets or in the house fire when you were children. He-"
Before she could speak another word William's hand wraps around his wife's neck and his aura is murderous.
(Y/n)'s eyes widen as she looks over his face.
There's anger.
"I didn't mean it!" She chokes out and pulls on his hand. "William let go."

William's eyes widen as he quickly lets go and watches her cough.
"William I don't mean a word of that. I love Lou. I just wanted to see if you would get mad if I insulted him."
"You wanted to see me angry? Why?"
"Because I know you feel these things but I never know when. You hide these things from me so I did what I could to catch you off guard."
"My love I-
"I'm sorry. I swear on my life, I didn't mean anything I've said just now. I love you and Louis. You both are precious to me. So I want to be able to help you. I want to be the one person you vent to. Anything you're feeling. Frustration, anger, depression. Please my love... Rely on me."

William looks at her neck and to his horror he could already see the damage he caused.
His death grip is visible on her otherwise perfect skin.
"I'm so sorry. I should've realized sooner. I hurt you. Please forgive me, my love."
(Y/n) gets another, probably bad, idea. She turns her back to him and sniffles softly.
William looks at her confused.
"Forgive you?" She whispers softly. "William, you just choked me."
Tears water her eyes and she looks at him.
"Darling please don't cry. I'm so sorry."

"What do you feel at the thought of losing me?"
"Regret, guilt because I knew it was my fault."
"Would you cry? Am I important enough to you that you would be beside yourself if you lost me?"
"Of course you're important to me. You are my wife for a reason."
"Then show me. Cry for me William James Moriarty. Because I have never been more scared for my life than just now. I've never been choked before. And for a single moment I thought I should leave and never come back."

(Y/n) didn't really believe he'd do it.
That he'd probably give an excuse for why he couldn't cry.
But to her surprise tears actually well in his eyes and slowly fall down his cheeks.
"When I stop and think about not only what I've just done, but the thought of losing you, I crumble. I love you and I don't want to lose you. You deserve all of me but not if I hurt you."
The woman cups his cheek and rubs with her thumb. "How is it you're still handsome even when you're crying?"
"My love I-"
"William James Moriarty you don't have to say anything. I've put you through hell in the last few minutes. But I want one thing from you."
"What might that be?"
"Vent to me everything. Since you won't let me help with the Moriarty plan I wish only for you to rely on me to make you feel better. If a mission is stressing you out or you're angry with a certain nobleman. Come to me and let everything out."

William quickly pushes her face into his chest and buries his own in her neck, in her hair.
(Y/n) grips his shirt tightly. "I love you so much. I'm sorry for-"
The blonde cuts her off by covering her lips with his finger. "Don't apologize, my love. Now let us lay down and relax. I wish to hold you and never let go."
The (h/c) laughs softly and nods. "And never let go."
Once they get into bed he wraps his arm around her and holds her close.
"Are you satisfied with the range of emotions you've pulled from me? A simpler method would have been to just ask me. William what face would you make if you were feeling sad, or mad or whatever."
"You wouldn't have done it. And they're not genuine unless you're caught off guard. Which I did successfully, albeit in the worst possible way, but now I know. So thank you for dealing with me."
He kisses her temple. "And thank you for caring about me darling. I love you."
"I love you more William." (Y/n) whispers and kisses him gently.

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