Romeo Holmes and Juliet Moriarty p2

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"Liam ya scoundrel. What are you doing with a baby?"
"I could ask you the same? Did Mr. Watson ask you to babysit?" The blonde requips and laughs quietly.
"No actually, he's mine."
William's eyes widen slightly. "Yours?"
"Yeah. And the girl in your stroller?"
"We adopted actually. Upon lord Rockwell's incision of course."
"Oh adoption huh? You three don't strike me as the fatherly type. No offense of course."
"None taken Mr. Holmes. What is his name?"
"His mother decided to name him Romeo. She left him on my doorstep then died."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure Mr. Watson and Mrs. Hudson are helping."
"They've been splendid help. He tends to cry a lot and Mrs. Hudson has a way of calming him down."
"Oh I'm sure. Juliet hardly ever cries. I didn't expect her to be so docile."

Romeo slowly opens his eyes and looks around.
Juliet looks Sherlock up and down then gurgles. She reaches out to him.
"It seems she likes you, Sherly."
Romeo looks at William and starts chewing on his fist. "He seems indifferent toward you my friend." Sherlock laughs softly.
William chuckles quietly and nods. "He is a baby after all. Would you like to hold her?"
"Uh...sure I guess. If you wanna take him."

The two switch babies and immediately take a liking.
Juliet giggles while Romeo curls into William.
"Well I'll be damned. He hardly cuddles up to me like that."
"Juliet enjoys curling up on my chest while I read at night. She really likes when Louis rocks her while he cooks."
"He does strike me as the hesitant type but once he's doing it he's great."
"Yes you're right. He's great at multitasking."
"Does Albert spoil her?" Sherlock asks and smirks.
"Do you see the dress she's wearing?"
"I did notice. A gift from her uncle Albert, probably brought back from India."
"Your skills are as sharp as ever."

"Well Liam as much as I would love to stay longer and chat, I have important errands to run."
William gives Sherlock his son after the detective puts the baby girl back in her stroller.
"You still owe me a Durham date. We can make it a play date." The blue haired man winks then walks away.
William smiles softly then frowns and looks at his daughter. "If only we could, Sherly." He whispers then continues on his walk home.
"Daddy I'm almost done with this book. Can't I finish it then retire for the night?"
"Darling you said you were going to finish chapter 23 then go to bed. That was two hours ago and I see you've not only read chapter 23 but you've finished that book and it's sequel as well. It's quite late and your uncle will be sad if you miss out on breakfast because you've slept in."
Juliet frowns at the thought of seeing her uncle Louis frown. "I don't want him to be sad."
"Then let's get you to bed. And if you're up early enough I'm sure he'd love your help making breakfast."

"William, you can leave tuck in to me. Go rest yourself." Albert pats his brother's shoulder gently.
"I can't sleep right now. I have to-"
"Daddy, do you need help with making plans?"
The blonde frowns and pets her hair gently. "Don't worry about the plans. You're not old enough to worry about them yet. You need to lay down and sleep."
"Daddy I wanna help."
"Do you really want to help or do you just want an excuse to see Romeo again?"

Juliet frowns and looks away. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Are you talking about Sherlock's son?" Albert inquires.
"Yes. I've noticed the children growing closer."
"William... I enjoy Shakespeare as much as the next fellow but don't tell me they will meet the same fate."
"I will not allow that to happen. But I can't imagine them following Shakespeare's path either. Juliet is smart and not naive. The Holmes boy I don't know about though. If he follows in his father's footsteps he may inform his father about our plans if he gets too close."
"Will you stop talking as if I'm not here." Juliet complains and crosses her arms.
"Maybe if you were in your bed asleep-"
The 11 year old cuts off her father by storming away.

"She's definitely at that age." Albert jokes and laughs softly.
"Albert they're getting too close. Juliet knows of our plans but if Romeo comes over or she lets it slip he'll tell Sherlock."
"William the plan was to tell the world who we were anyways."
"But she likes him. How can they be together if one of them is an accomplice to the Lord of Crime and the other is the son of the master detective?"
"Didn't you just tell me they wouldn't end up like Shakespeare?" Albert crosses his arms.
"I have to make it so she doesn't like him."
"Will, that is a dangerous game."
"I know, but it's for the best."

"Romeo, have you been spending more time with Juliet?" Sherlock inquires.
"That's the Moriarty daughter right?" John asks and smiles. "She's a lovely girl."
"I don't spend a lot of time with her. But I would like to. Why?"
"Oh I've just taken notice."
The boy sighs and looks away.
"You really should be practicing instead. Your skills seem to be getting weaker."
"I don't care about your stupid detective skills dad! I don't have your "gift" or whatever and I don't care. I hate that you keep trying to make me you; I'm not you!"
Mrs. Hudson walks in with tea but is nearly plowed over by the boy running away.

Sherlock watches his son leave and plops down in his chair.
"He has a point, Sherlock. You can't force him to be you." The doctor points out.
"Romeo's talents lie elsewhere." Mrs. Hudson adds, setting down her tray and smiles softly.
"Oh yeah, where?" The blue haired man inquires.
"Do you really not know Sherlock? He's your son and you haven't noticed?" John begins.
"What kind of master detective are you?" Mrs. Hudson finishes.
"Are you gonna tell me or not?"
"He enjoys spending his time working on maths and science. That's why he spends so much time with Juliet. He's trying to work up the courage to talk to William," John informs.

"Why would he go to Liam for science when he has me?" Sherlock asks and crosses his arms.
"Because you'd rather make him figure out what a stranger does for a living." Mrs. Hudson starts.
"And lord Moriarty is a maths professor." John finishes then sips his tea.
Holmes looks between the two. "Are you both trying to insinuate that I'm a bad father?"
The two sigh in unison.
"You're not a bad father Sherlock." John responds first.
"You're just going about it the wrong way. If you took a step back and thought more about him and his wants you two could get back on solid ground." Mrs. Hudson adds and rubs her friend's shoulder.
"His wants...? Like his want for Juliet. Maybe if I got those two together he might be happy again."
Both Mrs. Hudson and John facepalm.

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