Albert p1

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Albert enjoys volunteering at the orphanage, not only to help the children, but also because it's an escape from his awful family.
His time is better spent out of the manor.
Every day is relatively the same but today is was different.
Instead of taking the carriage home Albert opted to take a walk.
The weather is is perfect and the breeze makes the harsh sun bearable.
Albert walks down the road when he sees a small group of children.
In the center is a pretty girl wearing common working class attire.
The children are laughing and chatting with the girl.
Albert gets closer to her the conversation.

Unfortunately before he can hear anything a carriage pulls up.
(Y/n) frowns and hands the book back to the girl next to her.
"Do you have to go already?"
"I'm sorry children. I'll be back soon, I promise." She group hugs the children while the coachman opens the door.
She puts her hair up, revealing diamond earrings.
The coachman bows and hands one of the boys a sack of coins.
"Do take this money, children. Tell the madame of the orphanage I will bring more next time."

Albert watches her get into the carriage. "A working class girl couldn't afford diamonds. Who is she?" He mumbles to himself.
A hunched woman walks up to Albert. "A pretty little thing isn't she? She's like you young master. A noblewoman with a heart of gold. Still unusual seeing upper class children spending their time with gutter trash like us."
The brunette smiles softly and looks back at the direction the carriage rode of in.

As the weeks go by Albert observed from afar.
He enjoyed her teachings and was shocked at how intelligent she is.
Unfortunately she left to get her degree in Switzerland but returned as quickly as she could.
To Albert's pleasant surprise (Y/n) got a job with William at the University.
Her love of teaching made William instantly take a liking to her.
He invited her to dinner and she happily agreed.
Albert and (Y/n) spoke and instantly became friends. They bond over their shared compassion for the lower class from a young age

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