William James Moriarty p1

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It's no secret the Moriarty brothers don't care for romance or sex.
But obviously they need a release once in a while.
This occurred to (Y/n) one day.
She's an intelligent woman and usually very composed and rational.
William was sitting on a bench outside enjoying the breeze one spring day.
(Y/n) sat next to him and smiled softly. "Hello lord Moriarty."
The blonde looks over and smiles. "You are lady (Y/n), correct?"
"Indeed. I hope you will excuse my rash and blunt words but may I inquire something of you?"
"I prefer an outright approach."
"You and your brothers do not much care for the company of women, correct?"

William didn't know how to respond at first.
Although her calm demeanor and her evermoving eyes going from passersby to the clouds makes him relax.
"Women are intimidating. We are quite bashful."
"I ask because this would mean you have no companion or lover. How do you find release when you are pent up?"
William blushes at the sudden inquirment. "Miss I-"
"I do apologize again for my sudden embarrassing questions. I'm just curious."
"I do not have release for I do not have those kinds of feelings, I guess is how I would describe it."

"Then let me ask you this. What do you find attractive? You are human and surely feeling attraction toward something. It doesn't have to be a specific person. Personally I find a man extremely attractive when he is intelligent, for I crave conversation. And I also like a man who is one way with the public but different toward his lover."
William looks up at the passing clouds and thinks.
(Y/n) leans back on the bench and watches his face, taking in every detail.
Finally he smiles.
"Now that I have sat back and thought about it, I would have to agree. Intelligence is highly important to me. Probably the sexiest thing I could think of. Plenty of lovers are crude in the midst of love making, curse words ever present. But I would rather my lover beg me to ravish them. Or call it love making. I am often scolded for using words that are too big and complicated."

(Y/n) laughs softly into her fingers. "As am I. The men in my life criticize me for being educated. I should be seen and not heard, do as the men say and never think for myself."
"I prefer a woman who knows what she wants and will do whatever it takes to get it."
"Thank you sir."
"Now that we are on the same page, what brought this conversation about? And with me of all people."
"I was thinking about it and I thought maybe I could help you. If you do not find sexual release by means of a woman on the streets in secret I theorized maybe you found intelligence attractive. And if that was the case I could give you the release you need."
William looks at the woman slowly. "Do you suggest you and I become lovers?"
"Built on a foundation of smarts, wit and trust. I can fulfill any desires you have in bed and I only ask that I am not left without orgasm. Denial and prolonging are ok but in the end I would much appreciate the release."

After a long pause (Y/n) stood and curtsied.
"I am terribly sorry and ashamed of my unacceptable behavior. Please forgive me and forget everything I've said. I will promptly take my leave."
Her flushed cheeks are hidden by her hands and she turns her back to him quickly.
All of a sudden though William stands and grabs her wrist.
"Do hold a moment my lady. I am still pondering your offer."
"Wait, truly?"
"I never considered having a lover because I do not get aroused. But since the moment you sat beside me and we spoke I've found myself feeling odd. I would consider the idea of us arousing enough to consider the offer."
"Does this mean you wish to make love to me?"

As the months go by, whenever William began to feel distracted by his arousal, he called upon (Y/n) and she made good on her promise.
Every desire is fulfilled and he made sure they both had a release.
But as those months went by he opened up to her.
As one really smart person to another of course.
But the topic that has been weighing on her mind is his blood soaked hands.
The crimson that only he sees.
She loves his hands and frequently holds them.
But his expressions are only sadness and guilt.
So when she realized she wanted him to choke her she kept that to herself.
Unfortunately William is not only smart but observant.
He knew she was hiding something but didn't know what.
Finally he confronted her about it.

"(Y/n) you have done as I asked since the beginning."
"I have done my utmost to please you. I hope my effort is not in vain."
"Far from it. I am always highly pleased when we have finished."
"That is great to hear."
"But you have desires no doubt. And I wish to service you as well. So never be afraid to ask something of me in return. I will try my best to satisfy you."
"William I...in light of recent events and discussions I feel it best not to speak of mine."
"Then we can hardly call our negotiation fair. You can pleasure me but not I you? At least be frank about your desire."

Her gaze travels to his hands but quickly looks away.
His eyes follow hers and take note.
"My hands? They are heavy with sin and sorrow."
"They are wonderful and powerful. You hold the weight of the country with them and I could not be more grateful that I am your lover."
"Then why do you look at my hands when speaking of desire?"
"I wish for you to..." (Y/n) takes a deep breath then looks into his eyes. "I wish to know how it feels to have your hand around my throat."

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