Sebastian Moran

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Moran smirks and lays down his cards. "Sorry chaps. Looks like I won again. Better luck next time."
(Y/n) chuckles quietly as she sets another mug down in front of the raven haired man.
The men sitting around the table growl but leave peacefully.
"Hey sweetheart." Sebastian greets as he drinks the beer.
"Colonel, you're a cheat. How have you survived this long?"
"Me a cheat? Never sweet cheeks."
The other barmaids giggle as they clean tables near Moran's.
"You've been coming here more often too. Don't you work?"
"Yeah but my employer gives me few and far between jobs. So I have lots of free time to spend with you."
"Whatever you say sir."

"Why don't you take your break and we can have some fun upstairs."
"Colonel, my shift is almost over and the bar is closing in a few minutes. I was about to kick everyone out so I could close before I go home."
"Is it that time already? Well damn. Want help gettin' the girls out?"
"Much appreciated." (Y/n) mumbles and grabs more empty mugs.
All of the women whine and rush over to Moran.
"Why don't we have one more go 'round upstairs?" A blonde suggests, tugging his sleeve.
"No, why don't we go back to my place." A brunette offers.
"Sorry ladies but I'm rather busy tonight. Maybe another night."

(Y/n) watches and rolls her eyes.
Although Moran took it as jealousy.
"Ladies I'm sure you'll see him again in a couple days. I have to close up shop. Hurry home and be safe."
"Mr. Moran please walk me home." The blonde whines annoyingly.
"Wish I could doll but I gotta get going." He rubs her cheek then glances at (Y/n).
The said woman has her back to them as she locks the register.
All the barmaids sigh and leave, but Moran stays.
"Colonel that includes you." (Y/n) comments as she turns around seeing him.

The man leans against the bar and smirks. "Why don't we lock up and head back to my place? It's empty tonight."
"I thought you were busy?"
"I meant I was busy with you. So what do you say?" He walks over and grabs her waist.
"Let go colonel."
"Oh come now. A night with me in an empty estate. I think it sounds fun. Plus my pockets are full so I can make it worth you time."
"Pounds you earned cheating. Wait estate?"
"Yeah. Wanna see it?"
"You're sounding very suspicious colonel. How did you afford an estate?"
"No more questions love, let's go."

Moran drags her to the Moriarty household then thanks god everyone is actually out.
"Will you at least tell me how many people live here?"
"We go back and forth between this place and another one in Durham. But there are seven of us in total."
(Y/n) tries to process this information. "You have a large family. That must be nice. It's just me, myself and I. I live in the apartment above the bar."
"If you ever want company and you're not working, you could come here and see if I'm around."
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "Maybe you could show me how you pull off your card tricks."
The raven haired man nods and smiles.

"So do I get a tour?"
(Y/n) links her arm through his as they walk around.
Moran kisses her cheek as he walks her upstairs.
"It's nice here. Plenty of room for seven."
"Yeah. It's definitely an upgrade from the hard ground I'd lay on in the war."
"So which room is yours?"
"Oh now you wanna see my room huh?"
"Of course. I bet you have plenty of interesting things hanging on the walls or scattered on a table."
"Oh... not really."

Moran opens the door to his room and she walks in.
"It's nice and clean. Not much in here though. I was expecting at least one gun on the wall."
"I keep my stuff locked up like a gentleman."
"Good to know." She sits on the bed and looks around.
"Is it comfortable?" Sebastian asks, looking from her to the bed.
"Hm? Oh um..." She trails off then lays down. "Yeah. It's not fluffy but it's not completely stiff either. I'm sure a man like you wants your bed on the more stiff side but not so much that it feels like the hard rock."
"You would be correct."
"I splurged on my bed. I made sure it's soft and I just sink into it." (Y/n) comments and laughs softly.
The tall man chuckles quietly and walks over to her.

"I'm sure after tonight you'll need the comfort of your soft bed." He sits next to her and puts his hand on hers.
"What do you mean?" She inquires, looking at their hands.
"We'll be using my hard bed tonight so..." he trails off, kissing her neck.
"S-Sebastian!" She exclaims, pushing on his chest weakly. "What are you doing?"
This doesn't stop him though.
"I'm gonna show you a great night." Moran pushes her onto her back, holding her hands above her head. "I saw you being all jealous of the other girls. I could tell you wanted me as much as I want you."

(Y/n) squeezes her eyes closed. "I-I wasn't jealous." She stutters and blushes.
"Sure you weren't love." He mumbles, grabbing the top of her dress and pulling it down, off her whole body.
Her eyes widen and she quickly covers her chest.
"Sir! No!"
Moran pulls away and looks over her face.
"No? Are you being shy? Because if you are, you have nothing to fear. Your body is-"
"No! I-I mean I don't want this. I don't want to s-sleep with you Mr. Moran."
Tears stream down her cheeks quickly as she curls up, trying to cover herself more.

Sebastian's eyes widen in horror and immediately gets off the bed. He grabs her dress and hands it to her.
She rips it from his hand and runs away as she puts it on.
Her cries echo in his ears and he runs after her.
"Sebastian, what is going on here?" William inquires as (Y/n) runs past him, still tying her dress and crying.
Louis was just about to close the door when she ran out.
"(Y/n) wait! Let me take you home. It's dangerous." Moran yells, still running after the (h/c).
Surprisingly she's a fast runner.
After a while they make it to her place and she slams the door in his face.
Moran pants heavily and hunches over, hands gripping his knees. "Dammit she's fast."

Once he catches his breath he stands up straight.
His fist lifts to knock on the door but he stops himself.
"What have I done?" He whispers and looks at his hand.
The look on her face...was something he never wanted to see again.
"I'm so sorry." Moran whispers then walks back to the manor.
Of course he was greeted with three angry brothers.
"Sebastian Moran I would love an explanation as to why that nice woman ran out of here crying and tying her dress." William requests and crosses his arms.

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