Big Sis "Sequal"

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(Y/n) opens the front door of the manor and smiles seeing the familiar woman there.
"You weren't joking when you said your brothers were rich." She greets and looks around.
"I'm glad you've come. Everyone is out for a while so we have the place to ourselves."
"Brilliant. I've missed seeing you. I'm obviously relieved that you're ok and living the life you deserve."
"I only wish I could give you the same life."
"Knowing you're mine is all I need. I will stay on the streets until I die. That's just how it goes for us lower class women."
(Y/n) pulls her lover inside and closes the door. She kisses her gently then leans their foreheads together.

"Darling, do they know yet, about us?"
(Y/n) frowns and shakes her head. "I don't know how to tell them. I'm sure they wouldn't mind but...I'm still nervous."
"You're their older sister. Surely they would support us."
"Harmony I...Nevermind. Let's just enjoy our time together."
Harmony sighs but smiles. "Gladly. Shall we make our way to the bedroom or did you have something else in mind?"
The (h/c) smiles, takes her lover's hand and takes her to her bedroom.

As they finish the couple cleans up and each put on a robe.
Suddenly the door opens and in runs the Moriarty group.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Albert yells as he runs in first.
William and Louis follow and everyone's eyes widen.
"What are you all doing home so soon?" (Y/n) asks quickly, adjusting her robe.
"That doesn't matter right now. We got home and called for you but we heard a loud thud instead. Who is this?" Louis inquires quickly.
"Is this the woman you've been seeing?" William asks.

Both women look at the older blonde.
"You knew?" (Y/n) asks quickly.
"I figured it out. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"The pleasure is mine, lord William. I am Harmony Wellington."
"I had also assumed you met while my sister was selling herself."
"We looked out for each other. When she didn't come back I went looking. I saw you grab her and take her to your carriage. I was so worried, until I received a letter from her a couple days later, that is."
Albert smiles softly. "Why have you been trying to hide this from us dear sister?"

(Y/n) frowns and looks away. She wraps her arms around herself.
"She didn't want you to throw her away for loving another woman. Most people think it's unholy and a sin. I take full responsibility though. I made the first move on her."
William laughs softly and walks over to his sister. He now stands a head taller than her.
The woman slowly looks up into his eyes.
He cups her face then moves down her arms and pulls her into a hug. "You raised Louis and I. You did everything in your power to keep us healthy and safe and educated."
"I failed tha-"
"I'm not done," William interrupts.

(Y/n) closes her mouth and grips his jacket.
"We are us because of you. We love you more than anything. And if you love another woman, we will love her too. We could never put you back on the streets that's for sure. I don't want any more secrets."
"Please be up front and honest with us (Y/n)." Abert agrees and walks over.
"We will always love you, no matter what sister." Louis adds and hugs the woman.
She hugs back as Albert joins.
After they pull away Albert holds out his hand to Harmony.
She gives him her hand and he kisses her knuckles.
"Welcome to the Moriarty family, miss Harmony."
"Thank you my lord. I give you my word I will continue to make her happy. I can't give her jewels or gowns like you three but I-"
"Think nothing of that. You making her happy is all we require. You don't have to give her material things." Albert cuts off the woman.
"That's his job." (Y/n) jokes and rubs Albert's back.

"Now seeing as we've interrupted you two us men will exit the room so you two can make yourselves presentable and come down for dinner." William kisses his sister's cheek then leaves the room.
Louis and Albert quickly follow and close the door.
(Y/n) turns and buries her face in her lover's shoulder.
"I told you everything would be ok." Harmony mumbles and rubs her back.
"I love you so much." (Y/n) whispers and hugs her tightly.

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