Albert James Moriarty

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Albert didn't have many friends even though he was very popular. He found the nobles annoying and arrogant. He kept them at a distance while still pretending to be one of them.
But (Y/n) is a commoner who Albert took a liking to one day while walking on the town.
The brunette became secret friends with the peasant and visited him whenever he got a chance.
(Y/n) couldn't believe a noble like Albert would even give him the time of day, let alone be his friend.
But the two became very close and told each other everything.
When Albert brought William and Louis home (Y/n) put two and two together quickly when the fire happened.
Albert brought (Y/n) into the loop and begged him to stay silent, even offering him money.
(Y/n) declined the money sadly but smiles softly. "I don't need your money my lord. Your... your friendship is all I need."

So over the years Albert continued to visit (Y/n) and they continued to be close friends.
William and Louis gladly accepted the friendship as well, glad their brother had another friend from the slums.
(Y/n) and Albert would joke about relationships but Albert would always insist he would never date.
The (h/c) fake gasps then leans into the noble. "You mean I don't have a chance with you?"
Albert would laugh and shove his friend gently. "Don't you even start."
Unfortunately the brunette didn't realize how much it hurt every time he rejected the offer.

Albert takes a stroll through town, enjoying the sun and breeze, on his way to visit (Y/n).
Those passing by tip their hats or heads in respect.
The army general smiles and returns the gesture. Albert weaves through the back alleys expertly.
The apartment is small and homely.
Because this is a surprise visit Albert opens the door silently and smiles.
Unfortunately when he walks in his eyes widen at the sight.

(Y/n) is on his couch with another man and they are kissing passionately.
Albert stops in his tracks as the door closes.
Upon hearing the sound (Y/n) looks over quickly and his eyes widen.
"My lord! What are you doing here?"
"I-I came to surprise you."
"Lord Moriarty." The stranger exclaims and bows.
"I did not know you had a male lover."
Tears water (Y/n)'s eyes and walks over to his friend.
"Please don't hate me. I know it's sinful and wrong but I do not fancy women. And Joshua has helped me much over the years."

"Years? How long have you felt this way toward men?"
"All my life. You were...I loved you once but I knew those feelings would go nowhere. So I came to value our friendship more than anything and hid my feelings, that is until I met Joshua. We fell in love and have been lovers going on 7 years now."
"Why did you not tell me?" Albert asks sadly.
"Because you are a noble and a man and I was afraid you would send me to the gallows, friend or not."
Albert quickly hugs his friend tightly.
(Y/n) is stunned and his body tenses. "Al..."
"I could never send you to the gallows. You are my friend, no matter what. And who you love is no exception. I'm terribly sorry I didn't realize sooner that you had feelings for me, and I'm sorry I can't return them. But remember, we share everything."

(Y/n) cries softly and tries wiping his face. "I'm so glad. You're the closest thing I have to family now and your acceptance is everything to me. I was terrified that if you found out you would hate me and never speak to me again."
"I didn't know you were friends." Joshua comments and looks between the two.
"I may be a noble but I prefer the company of commoners such as you two. (Y/n) and I have been friends since childhood." Albert informs and smiles.
"We told each other everything and that's why my feelings turned romantic instead of familial. But when I met Joshua those feelings went back. I no longer love you, I just wish for your continued friendship."
"Of course. I'm glad you can be open and honest with me now. I'm sorry for interrupting."

(Y/n) slowly pulls away from Albert and wraps his arm around his lover's waist.
The said man wraps his around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
Albert smiles and looks between the two. "I guess I should be on my way and let you two-"
"No! Please stay. I can make tea and we can all chat. I'd like Joshua to know you better and I wanna be fully open with you."
Albert looks at the other man, earning a nod of approval. "Then I will gladly stay and enjoy your wonderful tea my friend."
(Y/n) smiles and walks to the kitchen.

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