Albert James Moriarty

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(Y/n) laughs softly from near the window in the parlor. "Honestly you two. You're acting like children."
"(N/n) children are more behaved than those two." William comments, causing the woman to laugh again.
"You're right."
"Is there a competition? Moran would win. Right?" Bond asks, looking around at everyone.
"You honestly think so Bond?" Louis asks.
"Yes?" Now the man is unsure of his answer.
"Have you seen my husband? A wine glass never leaves his hands. I came home one day to find a glass in his hand and him asleep at his desk."

Albert crosses his arms and legs in his chair. "Moran do refrain from making bets you can't win."
"Looks who's being cocky. I could drink you under the table."
"Let's settle this then if you two insist." William brings over a bottle of whiskey and wine.
"First to tap out or pass out loses." (Y/n) settles the rules then kisses her husband.
"Your support gives me strength." Albert whispers and the woman smiles.
"Don't I get a kiss too?" Moran grumbles.
"Are you my husband."
Moran sighs but shrugs.
(Y/n) giggles and kisses his cheek. "Good luck boys."

"I do hope you haven't underestimated us Will. One bottle ain't gonna cut it."
"I shall be back with more. I promise." She waves and leaves.
Albert watches her and smiles.
"As much as I'd like to stay and be a judge I have school in the morning. I must get a bit of sleep at least." William smiles softly and leaves as well.
Louis pours Albert a glass while Moran grabs his whiskey and drinks from the bottle. Louis rolls his eyes. "You don't have to be a brute because you're afraid to lose."
"Shut up Louis. I'm not gonna lose."

(Y/n) comes back with her arms full. "I have returned. Oh, where is Liam?"
"Will went to bed."
"Oh good. He has class tomorrow." She sets the bottles down with the help of Fred.
The boy smiles softly and sits back on the couch.
(Y/n) walks toward Albert and he moves her to his lap.
"With you here I have no doubt I'll win."
"So you need her to win huh? Proves my point." Moran boasts and the brunette rolls his eyes.
"Are we chatting or are we drinking?" Bond pipes up and crosses his arms.
"Both." Moran and Albert respond in unison.

As the night goes on Moran was getting more cocky the more he drank.
Albert remains calm and collected per usual.
(Y/n) could tell Albert was feeling it but definitely not as much as Sebastian.
Obviously the two are very different drunk types.
The ex-colonel is loud and obnoxious while the current colonel is reserved and a bit hiccupy.
(Y/n) giggles softly when she hears her husband hiccup quietly.

On the final bottle Moran points at (Y/n) and glares.
"You witch. Your kiss gave me bad luck. I demand a redo."
The woman opens her mouth but doesn't get a chance to respond before he falls forward.
Fred catches the man and sets him down gently.
Albert smiles and lifts his glass, drinking the rest.
(Y/n) claps and kisses his cheek. "Congratulations darling. You've won."
"I never had a doubt in my mind." Louis informs and grabs the empty bottles.
"Well now I feel dumb for believing in the oaf." Bond grumbles and shrugs.
"I wonder who William thought would win." Fred voices his thoughts.

(Y/n) helps Albert stand and he wobbles greatly. "Darling I'm gonna need you to go to the bathroom before you come to bed. Louis will you help him."
"Of course sister." Louis supports his brother as they leave the parlor.
(Y/n) looks at Moran. "I think it best to move him outside. At least if he has an accident it won't be on the carpet."
Fred and Bond agree, carrying him outside.
The three laugh softly at the image of the raven haired man sleeping outside.
His headache will prove terrible in the morning.

(Y/n) grabs a glass of water and takes it to her and Albert's bedroom.
The glass goes on his bedside table and she changes into a nightgown.
Thankfully William is the only one with plans tomorrow so none of them have to be up for a while.
Once Louis brings Albert in she instructs her husband to drink the water.
Louis bows and leaves, closing the door.
(Y/n) kisses her husband's cheek and lays down under the covers. "Can you change darling?"
He mumbles incoherently as he gets up and changes.
Eventually he makes it back to the bed and curls up under the covers.

"I love you." He sing-songs and rubs their noses together.
The woman smiles and cups his cheek. "I love you too. Now try to get some rest. You'll be feelings it in the morning."
He grumbles quietly and buries his face in her chest.
(Y/n) plays with his hair and hums quietly.
Soon enough Albert is fast asleep.
She kisses his head and falls asleep too.

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