Ending 2

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William bows and leaves the room, followed by his brothers.
Sherlock stays a little longer, looking at the woman.
"I'll do what I can to make sure she is ok. Trust me Sherlock." John pats his friend's shoulder.
The detective nods then walks toward the door. "Call if you need anything."
"Will do. Let Mrs. Hudson know everything will be ok."
Sherlock leaves and closes the door.
John sighs and looks back at the woman. "Please (Y/n). It doesn't have to be right now but wake up soon, please."

As the day goes on Louis brings the doctor tea and snacks.
"Did I really do ok Mr. Watson? I'm not a doctor or anything but I'm the most skilled here for it. Moran helped a bit though."
"You did good, Louis. I just wanted to make sure the wound is closed properly and bandages tight enough. Also I need to monitor her breathing and make sure her heart doesn't stop."
"Yes of course. Dinner will be served around 6 if you care to join us downstairs. Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson said they'd join."
"I should be ok to step away for dinner. But I would like to set a schedule for her observation."
"Of course. I'll have William plan that and we can discuss it after dinner."

Come dinner time John checks over (Y/n) then goes downstairs.
"How is she, doctor?" William questions quickly.
"So far so good lord Moriarty. The color has come back to her skin. She doesn't look like she's in pain anymore."
"That's wonderful news. We're grateful, Mr. Watson." Albert responds and sips his wine.
"Regarding your request I have made up a schedule. The seven of us here at the manor will-"
"Seven? Liam, I plan to help as well. I can take time out to watch over her."
"Mr. Holmes I didn't add you or Mr. Watson to my schedule because you have more important work for the yard that must be dealt with. The doctor has done more than enough already. Should something occur we can summon your assistance but until then I would recommend going about as normal." William explains then looks around at everyone, landing on the detective.

Sherlock knew William was right but he still hated the idea of leaving.
So reluctantly he agreed, on the one condition that he was alerted immediately if anything happened.
The dinner continued with small talk and ended peacefully.
Mrs. Hudson helps Louis clean the table and follows him to the kitchen.
William smiles softly as he watches his brother make conversation with the woman.
"Liam..." Sherlock mumbles, sitting next to him.
"Sherly you will worry yourself into an early grave. I understand you feel responsible for this but she did not blame you."
"What is your relationship with her? You seem closer with her than the others are."

William remains quiet and looks at his wine glass.
Sherlock sits back and waits.
"I am not outwardly emotional. Most do not know my true feelings at any given moment. I hide my frustration and rage and sadness. But she was the first one to see through my facade. Just as you are my intellectual partner, she is my emotional partner. Just as you and I can bounce ideas off one another or detect certain things about each other, (Y/n) is my emotional escape."
Sherlock nods in understanding. "I see," he mumbles. "I guess everyone needs an outlet and she is yours."
William nods and looks away.

Over the next few days everyone takes their turn watching over the woman.
It was mostly uneventful and (Y/n) remains unconscious.
Although on the third day and William was taking his turn, (Y/n) began waking up.
Her fingers move and her eyes flutter open.
"William..." she whispers in a raspy voice.
The blonde looks up and his eyes widen. "(Y/n)!" He exclaims and rushes to her side.
"I'm alive." She notes and looks around the room.
William laughs softly and nods. "Yes, you are. I'm so thankful you've finally woken up?"
"How long-"
"A few days. You've certainly held us on the edge whether you would wake or not."
"I'm sorry it took me so long. I can tell you were worried and now you're relieved. I'm sure you held your anger back and didn't injure Lock."
"As always you know me too well. I let go of my anger and replaced it with worry for you. Your health was all I cared about."

(Y/n) tries to sit up but groans quietly.
William gently puts his hand on her shoulder. He puts a pillow behind her and gently helps her to a sitting position. "Don't rush it."
"I can only imagine what these next few months will be like. And I'm sure the scar will be horrid."
"You will be just as beautiful as before. And I will care for you until you are completely healed."
"I can't tell who is more of a worry-wart, you or Lou."
The blonde laughs softly and nods. "Yes well, he has been nervous these last three days. He was the one to patch you up and he feared he did something wrong."
"You didn't have a doctor come, did you?" She asks quickly.
"John did help. And of course Sherlock has been beside himself with nerves."

Speak of the devil.
Sherlock knocks gently and walks in. "William I've come to... (n/n)?"
"Hello Lock. Miss me?"
To the surprise of both the woman and the blonde they watch as tears stream down the detective's cheeks.
He walks over and hugs her tightly, burying his face in her neck.
(Y/n) inhales sharply in pain but hugs back.
"I'm so sorry," Sherlock whispers. "Please forgive me."
"Sherly you are suffocating her," William comments.
The said man pulls away quickly and wipes his face. "Yes, sorry."
"Lock, I don't blame you. It was an accident and you didn't even know it happened. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Stop saying that! If I did this without knowing... How many others have I hurt? Have I killed someone and not known?"

(Y/n) ignores her pain and cups his face with both hands. She looks into his eyes and smiles softly.
Her thumbs move the corners of his lips up.
"Sherlock Holmes, get out of your head. I will be ok. Isn't that all that matters?"
"Of course it is. I need you to recover as soon as possible." He puts his hand on hers. "I will be here until you-"
"Oh no you won't. You need to be out solving crimes and puzzles Mr. Holmes. I can get better without you here fawning and fussing over me."
William chuckles quietly. "That's what I told him."
"Shut up Liam. This is a serious matter. I am responsible for shooting her, it's only right I help care for her."
"I have the others to look after me. And I don't think Lou will appreciate you butting in."
"He doesn't like me does he?" Sherlock infers and crosses his arms.

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