Romeo Holmes and Juliet Moriarty p3

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"Hey uh Romeo, why don't you take the day off from studies. Go play with Juliet at the Moriarty manor."
"Really? Do you mean that?"
"Sure, why not? It's just one day." Sherlock ruffles his son's hair then pats his back.
"Thanks dad." Romeo quickly puts his cap on then jogs out of the flat.
"Sherlock, are you sure it was wise to let him skip lessons?" John asks, walking over with an armful of books.
"As you said John, he wants to spend time with Juliet and ask William about maths. Why not let him go over?"
"He is your son so I guess it's up to you."

Romeo knocks on the door and waits patiently.
Louis opens the door and smiles softly. "Romeo you've returned. Don't you have lessons?"
"Father said I could take the day off."
"Well Juliet is in the greenhouse if you wish to see her."
"Actually um... is master William home?"
"Brother? Yes but why would you wish to speak to him?"
"Who is at the door Louis?" William asks, walking past, toward the parlor.
"The Holmes boy." Louis replies talking a step aside.
"Oh Romeo. Juliet is-"
"I've come to ask you something, lord Moriarty."
William began to think the worst.
Has he come to confess to Juliet? Does he wish to see her more? Did Sherlock put him up to this?
"Ask away."
"Will you teach me more about maths and science?"

The older blonde's eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Are you asking me to give you lessons? I'm sure your father-"
Romeo looks away sadly and fiddles with the bottom his shirt.
"Is Sherlock too busy for you?"
"No it's just that he is more interested in me perfecting his 'gift' or whatever they call his deductive abilities. I don't have it and he doesn't understand that. I have more important things on my mind."
"Most boys your age have girls on the mind."
Romeo blushes and rubs the back of his neck. "Only sometimes. But I've been really wanting to ask you for this favor."

Before anything else Bond runs down the stairs.
William and Louis look at the other blonde.
"Bond, what's wrong?" Louis asks.
"Um William, I just came from talking to Juliet."
"Uncle Lou, can I have hot chocolate!" Juliet yells from the top of the stairs.
Although everyone could clearly tell she had been crying.
"I'll be right up," Louis calls back.
"Why did you run down here?" William asks.
"Your little girl isn't a little girl anymore. She um...her flower is blooming." He didn't want to come out and say it.
William frowns and looks at Romeo then back at James.
"Did Juliet plant some flowers that are finally blooming?" The boy inquires, totally oblivious.
"Romeo I have a small window of time every day but if you can be here on time I will agree to teach you whatever you want."
The boy smiles and nods. "Thank you sir."
"Come by tomorrow afternoon around 3."
"Will do." Romeo bows then leaves.

William looks at Bond. "She has begun bleeding?"
James nods and fiddles with his own hands.
"I hope I can count on you for this subject. She will need help and advice."
"Of course. I remember when I was her age, maybe a little older and the whole ordeal terrified me."
William walks upstairs to his daughter's room and knocks before walking in. "Juliet are you ok?"
The girl blushes and more tears stream down her cheeks. "Why am I bleeding?"
The blonde sighs but rubs her cheek with his thumb. "James will answer any questions you have ok? He will explain everything to you. But I want you to know if you need anything just ask ok? I know it hurts and it's embarrassing but it's natural. Every female goes through it."

Juliet sniffles and hugs her father tightly.
Louis walks in with the hot chocolate and sets it on her table.
"Thank you uncle."
Glasses boy smiles then bows and leaves.
Bond sits on the bed gently.
William pets his daughter's hair. "I love you and I promise everything will be okay."
Juliet grips his shirt and buries her face in his chest.
James smiles as he watches.
"Ok then. I will leave you to have this private conversation. But James do be sure to remind her of the 'No boys' rule." William laughs softly as he leaves the room.
Juliet blushes and looks at her lap when she sits next to Bond.

William clenches his fists as he walks to his study.
Curses. First the Holmes boy, now Juliet. If Sherlock put him up to this he's quite the actor. But if not then Sherlock will need to learn to keep a tighter rein on his son. Juliet is becoming a woman and she's... she's not my little girl anymore. She'll want to take bigger roles in missions and she'll think about boys more. I can't afford these distractions.
"William, what's wrong?" Albert asks, walking over.
"Brother! I wasn't expecting you home until later this week."
"I finished my duties early and decided I wanted to have dinner with my family. But I've come home to find you in distress."
"Sherlock's son wants me to tutor him but I can't tell if he's doing it of his own accord."
"Oh. I understand."
"And also Juliet has begun bleeding."
"Bleeding? Is she alright?" Albert inquires quickly.
"I mean her cycle has started."
"Oh... so our little girl is becoming a woman." The brunette responds, understanding now.

"William the pieces are coming together. If they like each other then you shouldn't force them apart. He wants to be here more often, likely seeing Juliet more often. They're at the age of discovery so they might gravitate toward each other whether you like it or not."
"Don't say that brother. I would like to keep her my innocent daughter a while longer. She is smart but beautiful."
"Exactly. A man will come along eventually to ask for her hand."
"And I will deny him immediately. She's too young to be whisked away. Not to mention the tiny detail of my other occupation."
"William, she can still claim deniability. If we continue to exclude her she'll be fine. Even if Romeo finds out the truth they could still be happy."
William shakes his head. "If he tells Sherlock our plans will crumble. He's not supposed to find out yet."
Albert sighs but nods. "As you wish William. I am going to comfort our bleeding, crying daughter."

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