Moriarty the Patriot

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(Y/n) paces back and forth, ringing her hands nervously.
She's been wanting to tell her boyfriend something important but she's scared of his response.
He's a smart man so it surprises her that he doesn't know already.
Either that or he knows and hasn't said anything, which doesn't make sense to her.

Finally William walks into their bedroom but stops in his tracks seeing her pace.
"Darling what's wrong?" He asks, walking over to her.
"Will I..." She looks into his eyes for a few moments then takes a deep breath. "I need to tell you something. It's important and I completely understand if you never wish to speak to me or see me again."
"Darling I don't think anything could make me feel that way." He laughs quietly and sets her on the bed.
She sits on the edge and he kneels in front of her.

"William... I was born a male. I have fully transitioned into a female now but I-"
"Oh we're having this talk. I'm so glad you're finally comfortable enough."
"Wait what?"
"Darling I knew a long time ago. Your family warned me about your circumstances but that didn't change my mind. I don't care about things like that."
Tears stream down her cheeks and she cries softly.
The blonde holds his girlfriend close and rubs her back. "I love you (Y/n) and I always will."


(Y/n) never planned on telling Louis.
At least not until she fully transitioned.
He's a sweet boy and she didn't want his feelings to change toward her.
Unfortunately circumstances were not on her side.
(Y/n) was hospitalized.
Louis quickly rushes to the hospital upon hearing the news.
Once he reaches the right room the doctor is just walking out.
"Oh Lord Moriarty. Lord (Y/n) needs rest right now. I don't recommend you going in right now."
"Wait lord?"
"Um yes. The young lord (Y/n) (l/n). He was seriously injured and needs rest. I imagine you could come by tomorrow or the day after to check in on him."

Louis' mind races as he stands outside the room and the doctor leaves.
(Y/n)'s mother walks out of the room and frowns at the blonde. "You've come."
"Is (Y/n) a man?" Louis asks quickly, angrily.
The woman frowns and pulls him inside the room.
Louis looks at his partner laying on the bed.
"She hasn't told you, has she?" The woman asks.
"Told me what?"
"(Y/n) was born a male and only recently committed to transitioning to a female. I noticed early on and wasn't surprised when she came to me. Her father is not as supportive so I try to be."
"Why didn't she tell me?" Louis asks.
"How many people do you know who support this kind of thing? It's illegal to be in a same sex relationship."

Louis frowns and looks at the person in the bed.
"She loves you and wanted to tell you. But she wanted to be fully transitioned before she said anything. I'm sorry you've had to find out like this."
"I don't know what to say."
"I wish this didn't change anything but I understand if it does." The woman puts her hand on his shoulder. "I will leave you alone."
"And if I wish to never see her again?" Louis inquires.
"Well seeing as how you've been calling (Y/n) a she is a good sign. It means you support her. I have high hopes."
This takes Louis aback and he looks away.
The mother leaves, smiling softly.
Louis holds his girlfriend's hand and sighs softly. "How could I be so foolish? Of course this doesn't change anything. But I need to hear it from your lips. Please wake up soon darling." He mumbles and kisses her knuckles.
(Y/n) moves slightly in her sleep but smiles softly.


(Y/n) stands in front of Albert's office door, holding up her hand to knock but continues to stand paralyzed.
Those passing by watch confused.
Finally Mycroft sighs and puts his hand on her back.
"My lady, you've been standing here for far too long. Albert is inside so please make your visit quick. We are very busy here."
(Y/n) looks up at the man and blushes. "I'm sorry! I'm just nervous."
Mycroft laughs softly and nods. "He is your fiancée is he not? I'm sure you've nothing to fear."

Albert opens his door and is startled by the two right outside. "Mr. Holmes? (Y/n) darling what are you doing here?"
"The poor thing has been standing here for at least 5 minutes. She needs to speak with you."
The woman blushes and looks away. "I'm sorry for-"
"Don't be sorry darling. I'm sure this is important if you've come to my work. Come inside love."
(Y/n) bows to Mycroft and goes inside the office.

Albert closes the door, walks over to his fiancée and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Darling what's wrong?"
"I shouldn't have come here. I should've waited until you got home but I should have told you so long ago. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me."
Her ranting gets cut off by the soldier.
"Darling I could never hate you. Please take a breath and explain."
(Y/n) sniffles and calms herself. She looks around then at her partner.
Albert looks confused but sits in front of her in his own chair.

"Albert I... I was born a... I was born in the wrong body."
The man takes a moment to figure out what she meant by this.
Tears continue to fall down her cheeks. "I was born male but I transitioned in my teen years. I'm 100% a woman now but I-"
Albert stands up but she quickly grabs his hand.
"Please don't hate me. Please don't report me. I'll leave quietly if you wish. I don't wanna die."
Albert's eyes widen and he kneels in front of her.
"Darling, please calm down." He wipes her tears. "I don't hate you, I won't report you and I definitely don't want you to leave."

(Y/n) looks up quickly. "Wait what?"
"Darling this doesn't change anything. You're a woman and I'll continue to refer to you as such."
"I can't have children though."
"That's ok. We can always adopt."
The woman quickly buries her face in his chest.
Albert rubs her back gently. "I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me sooner."
"I love you so much Albert. I didn't want this to ruin everything."
"It's why you stood outside for so long."
She nods and sniffles.
"Well don't worry my dear. I will always love you."


Let's be honest.
He knew right away and called you out on it when you first met.

"Mr Holmes, I have a request of you." (Y/n) begins, sitting across from the detective
"Well I'll be. I've never met a transvestite turned real deal. Have you fully transitioned?"
The woman's eyes widen and she stands quickly.
"Have I insulted you? Surely I'm not wrong about you."
"Mr Holmes I have not come here to discuss... myself."
"So I am right. Wonderful! Now what of this request you have of me?"

After that he sought after her, hoping to learn as much as possible from her transitional experience.
(Y/n) agreed if she could call it a date.
Her family is scared for her future but if they knew she was at least seeing someone they could rest a little easier.
Eventually Sherlock made them official.
He enjoys her company, more than just for her circumstance.
The man finally found an instant where he was wrong.
Love may not be as illogical as he thought.


Moran comes home from the bar late only to find his girlfriend crying next to the window.
She stops abruptly when she hears him walk over. "Sebastian! I wasn't expecting you home tonight."
"Babe, why are you crying?"
She closes her mouth and frowns, looking away. "I can't tell you. I know you'll hate me."
"Hate you? I doubt that babe."
"Oh yeah? How did you respond when Irene became James?"
Moran closes his mouth and frowns, looking away.
Although he looks at his girlfriend confused.
"Wait. What does that have to do with anything?"
"I went from (past name) to (Y/n)." She finally confesses.

The ex soldier puts his hand to his head. "I didn't drink that much right? I'm not drunk. But you just-"
(Y/n) stands up, pushes Sebastian away and leaves the room. She walks to James' room and he comforts her.
Moran sits on his bed and tugs on his hair. "Dammit," he growls.
After he lays down he spends most of the night contemplating everything.
By the morning he wakes up and sits on the edge of the bed.
"It matters but I still love her. If I can accept James I can learn to accept (Y/n)."


Fred was the one who helped (Y/n) through her whole transition.
When she confessed he nodded silently and kissed her knuckles.
He helps her in any way he can, calls her the name she prefers and even corrects others when they get it wrong.
Once he even took a beating for her over the topic.
He introduced you to the Moriarty group and thankfully they all accepted her right away.
She couldn't help crying and Fred made sure to comfort her.

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