221B Baker Street

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(Y/n) sighs softly and sips her tea. "My dearest sister, why have you called me here?"
"Because dearest sister I don't want to be alone with him."
"You won't be alone. Lock and John will be here."
"You call Sherlock Lock?"
"Of course. Everyone always calls him Sherly so I figured I would give him a different nickname. And since he loves to pick locks it clicked in my head. Now explain to me why you don't want to be alone with your boyfriend."
"Mycroft is planning something and I don't know what it is. I've asked Sherlock to look into it, and against his will he agreed."
"Makes sense. The two brothers aren't always fond of each other." (Y/n) sets her cup on the saucer.
"Well, when he returned and I asked him what he found out he flat out lied to me. That much I could deduce on my own."

(Y/n) looks at her sister confused. "Mrs. Hudson, are you telling me Sherlock Holmes lied to you?"
"Don't play (Y/n). His expression was serious and he kept spacing out. He's always deep in thought but this was different."
"Don't tell me you think he plans to dump you. Your perfect dear sister. You're mature and responsible and funny. You will make his perfect housewife. He may work long hours and dangerous pursuits for the Queen but you can handle that."
"Thank you for the compliments but he-"
"Who are we talking about?" Sherlock asks, walking in with John.

"Lock, I must ask you to be honest with me."
"I have never lied to you my darling." Sherlock responds and the woman rolls her eyes.
"Is your brother planning to break off their relationship?"
The detective's eyes widen in shock and looks at his landlady. "No! Why would you believe that? Has he hurt you? Mistreated you? Manhandled you?!"
The sisters laugh softly.
"Mycroft is a proper gentleman, unlike you Sherlock. He treats me with dignity and respect. He cares for me and I him. We are very happy... or at least I thought we were. He's been acting strange as of late. He's been spending more time at the office. I could never believe he would see another woman behind my back, he's too noble for that."

"I'm so sorry for my recent behavior darling."
Everyone turns to the doorway to see the older brother walk in and take off his hat.
(Y/n) hands John a cup of tea.
The said man smiles and takes the saucer. "Thank you (Y/n)."
"Mycroft, you've come." The older sister greets.
Sherlock watches his brother walk over to his landlady, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles.
"I hate to be that woman but do be expeditious Mycroft. Why have you been acting strange?" (Y/n) requests.
The said man sighs and nods. "Sit down everyone. I shall explain myself."

John sits next to Mrs. Hudson on the couch.
Sherlock grabs (Y/n)'s waist and sets her on his lap in his chair. "Don't think you can escape me that easily my darling."
Mycroft sighs quietly and kneels in front of his girlfriend. "I must thank you Sherly for keeping my secret. I had half a mind to believe you would tell her but to my pleasant surprise you didn't."
"I only kept the secret because I didn't know how to feel about it." Sherlock grumbles and buries his face in his wife's shoulder blades.
"Mycroft, please be forthright with me." The landlady requests.
"I wish to make you my wife. I have been thinking on this topic for a long while and when I finally bought the ring I knew I was making the right decision."
Upon seeing the ring Mrs. Hudson covers her mouth with her hands.

(Y/n) looks at her husband. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because he needed to make the choice on his own in his own time. I wasn't going to talk him into or out of the idea. I still dislike the fact he is dating my landlady and sister-in-law, but they are happy. So I will support him in his answer."
"My dear... I know I am away for work a lot and I can't always be there for you. But I will continue to do my best. I care about you deeply and am forever grateful that you babysit my brother here at 221b. But allow me to take you away, to a home for just you and I."
(Y/n) looks at her sister to see tears streaming down her cheeks.
The said woman nods quickly and cups his face. "Yes! Yes of course."
Mycroft slips the ring onto her finger and they kiss.

"Congratulations you two." John begins and shakes Mycroft's hand.
(Y/n) hugs her sister tightly.
Sherlock sighs and shakes his brother's hand.
Mrs. Hudson, soon to be Mrs. Holmes, turns to Sherlock.
Her expression is serious as she crosses her arms.
The man-child looks away, rubbing the back of his neck. "Congratulations I guess." He mumbles then glances at his friend.
"The least you can do is kiss my cheek and look me in the eyes to congratulate me."
(Y/n) smiles and rubs her husband's back.
Sherlock sighs but does as instructed. "I am happy for you. If he ever does anything though don't be afraid to tell me. I will personally see to his demise."
Everyone laughs at the statement.

//I really wanted this one to be focused on Mycroft and Mrs. Hudson(who doesn't have a first name canonically and it's bugging me). I ship them so hard. And since this is technically supposed to be an X-reader I made (Y/n) Sherlock's wife cause why not? I hope you enjoy. Also let me know your favorite and least favorite ship in Moriarty the Patriot down in the comments. I'd love to know.

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