William James Moriarty p3

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I blush deeply and my mouth drops open.
Before I can speak, a knock at the door interrupts us.
"(Y/n) I have your dinner ready," Louis calls. "Also I put a sleeping gown on the bed for you. Do dry completely. We wouldn't want you to catch a cold."
"Thank you mother hen." I call back.
William stands up and grabs a towel.
"Thank you Will." I stand up and he wraps the towel around my body.
His eyes are closed though.
'So he really is a gentleman.'
"You should go, Will. You probably have important things to do."
"You're right. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. Louis is more than happy to help you."
I nod and watch him leave. I dry off then wrap the towel back around me and walk toward my room.

I pass Fred's room and he smiles softly. I smile and wave as I walk past.
Upon entering my room, I see the gown.
My stuff is also put away.
After dressing I go downstairs and to the dining room.
Louis is setting a place for two.
"Are you preparing a candle-lit dinner for us Lou?"
He smiles but nods. "You've gotten time with the others. I thought I deserved time too."
"Of course. I've missed you. You were so cute as a boy. Now you're a young, handsome man."
Louis blushes and looks away. "And you're very beautiful," he whispers.

"Louis," I begin.
He pulls a chair out for me. "Yes?" He responds, sitting across from me.
"Be honest with me."
"Honesty is everything here. I would never lie to you."
"How often do you want William to change his mind about dying?"
The blonde looks at me quickly but looks away.
I begin eating and smile. "It's delicious."
"Everyday (n/n). He is my blood and I love him more than anything."
I nod in understanding. "Then when the time comes, and it will, I know exactly what you need to do. And only you can do it."
I laugh and nod. "You must swallow your pride and beg Sherlock Holmes to save William."

"Holmes?! Never!"
"Exactly. He knows you detest him, but when you ask him he won't be able to say no. He is the only one who can save him." I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear but he nods in understanding.
"On a happy note, I'm glad I can help around here. Maybe you can assist me in my writings."
The boy smiles and nods quickly. "I'd like that. Your stories were always my favorite when I was sick."
"I miss taking care of you, but I'm glad that man paid for your surgery."
Louis puts his hand over his chest. "Yes, it healed me. I'm 100% now."

Once I finish my dinner Louis is just finishing up too.
"May I call you sister now?"
"Yes, please. I've always wanted to be your big sister."
Louis frowns and looks away. "You would make a great mother (n/n). I'm sorry brother won't make you one."
I pause a moment then put my hand on his. "We could adopt like Albert did with you two."
His smile returns.
"Maybe you'll get lucky and find a nice girl. Don't tell me all three Moriarty men swore off women."
Louis blushes deeply. "What? We aren't attracted to me-"
"That's not what I meant." I cut him off and laugh softly.
He looks away and laughs quietly.
I help with dishes and then he walks me to bed. "Sweet dreams Lou."
"You too (Y/n)." He kisses my cheek then walks to his room.
I get into bed and immediately fall asleep.

"Albert, this dress is ridiculous."
The brunette laughs and nods. "Yes it is. But I just wanted to see it on you."
Louis and William laugh softly as well.
"Try on the layered one," Louis requests.
I do as asked and put it on, with help of course.
When I come out Louis smiles then frowns.
"I don't think a bustle is necessary," Albert comments.
"I don't like them," I agree.
"There is only one dress left, gentlemen." The older man comments as he helps me with the train.

"Maybe we saved the best for last." Albert offers then looks between his brothers. "You've been awfully quiet Will. Something wrong?"
"Isn't the groom not supposed to be here?"
"(Y/n) requested that you be here. She wanted your approval." The oldest informs and the middle sighs deeply.
"What happened to fake engagement?"
"You must keep up appearances, which means dress shopping." Louis pipes up.

"Now keep in mind boys, this dress is very...different. I picked it out myself because I thought she would look nice in it." The shop owner informs then pulls the curtain for them to see me.
William's eyes widen and he stands slowly. "(Y/n)," he whispers.
I look into his eyes and whisper his name.
Albert smirks and crosses his arms. "Should I go grab the father now Will?" He teases.
The blonde looks me up and down.
The old man puts my hair up then puts on a veil. "Is this the one sir?"

My fiancée looks like a fish out of water, his mouth opening and closing.
I smile softly and cup his face with both hands.
"Yes, this is the one."
I frown as his expression goes back to stoic.
As if his facade was cracking and he needed to fix it.
Or maybe he once again remembered this is all supposed to be fake.
I change back into my dress while William pays the shop owner.
The woman who helped me puts the dress in a bag then hands it to Louis.
Albert takes my hand and leads me back to the carriage.

Before I get in I pause.
"Is something wrong?" Albert asks.
"William," I call, without turning around.
"Hm?" He hums and stands next to me.
"Take a walk with me." I order and begin walking away.
William looks between his brothers but earns two shrugs of confusion. He catches up and links my arm through his. "Is something troubling you? Or did you just wish for fresh air?"
I remain silent, my expression mirroring his stoic one.
His gaze on me turns away. "I see," he mumbles.

Although it's silent it's comfortable.
Our silence is interrupted by a loud mouth detective.
"Professor Moriarty!"
"Mr. Holmes," William greets.
"Who is this lovely woman? Not your sister, that's for sure."
"Let me introduce you. Sherlock Holmes this is my fiancée (Y/n)."
"Fiancée?! Why I never. How did you manage to tie this genius friend of mine, miss?"
I smile as he kisses my knuckles. "Childhood friends." I reply simply.
Sherlock's expression turns serious. "You are an avid writer. I should like a copy of your work, but you were not nobleborn. London streets maybe? Liam, who is this woman really?"

William's stoic expression returns, but I see Sherlock is not letting up. "For the first time you're wrong, Sherly. She is indeed my childhood friend from London. Now, if you claimed nobility, but not British you would've been right."
The detective laughs and Will smiles slightly.
"I've never been wrong in my life. It feels great! Tell me miss, has he told you about me? All of our adventures?"
"Oh, yes. You are his best friend after all. Someone of equal intelligence. Thank you for challenging his mind."
"You told her I'm your best friend? Liam, that's wonderful. Although John is my partner, I would consider you my best friend. Don't tell him I said that though."
"Of course. John is a nice gentleman. You two work well together," William assures.
"Tell me love, why are you with William?"

I frown and look between the two. "Are you insulting my intelligence because I'm a woman or because I threaten your relationship? I-"
"Darling, you don't have to indulge him with an answer."
"Or maybe I should've asked William why he's with you. My read on you every time is single for life. You're not the type to settle down. So why all of a sudden, so out of the blue?"
"Albert told me I was allowed simple pleasures. It was something I never thought about before, but now that she's back in my life I won't let her go again."
I smile softly and kiss his cheek. " I love him. Does that count for anything?"

Sherlock sighs and looks away. "Fine, be cute and happy."
"Will you be our best man?" I asking smile.
Both Sherlock and William look at me quickly.
"Yes, of course best friends should be best men." I laugh softly.
Wiliam's dark aura told me I'd be scolded when we got back home.
William smiles and looks at Sherlock. "Yes please, I can't wait to hear your speech."
The detective gets flustered and shakes his head. "No, I couldn't."
I frown and look away. "Oh, ok then. I'm sorry to bother you then. It was a pleasure to meet you Detective Holmes, good day."

I hold William's hand and walk away.
Once we were far enough away, William pulls away from me.
I frown but don't look at him. "That bad, huh?"
"You should have stayed silent. He could ruin everything. Do you understand?"
"I'm sorry, Wi-lord Moriarty."
Tears stream down my cheeks as I turned and walked the other way. I assumed William went back home. I decided to calm down at a nearby park.
After hours of relaxing, and the time escaped me, I begin my journey home.
Although my quiet walk is interrupted by being abducted.

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