Moriarty the Patriot

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(Y/n) coughs into her hand and groans quietly as she sees blood. She wobbles into the Moriarty manor and looks around for anyone.
The said group is in the parlor discussing a new mission.
She manages to get there and bang on the door once before it opens due to it being open a crack. The (h/c) stumbles in and falls to her knees.
"(Y/n)!" Everyone exclaims, rushing over.
William lays her on her back and cradles her.
"You're bleeding." Louis comments and rushes to get the aid kit.
"What happened?" Albert asks, kneeling next to his brother.
The rest stay standing, forming a circle around the woman.

"Wrong place, wrong time." She manages, then coughs again.
"What happened?" William repeats his brother's question.
"Sherlock was chasing a man and accidentally shot me. I didn't want to get in his way so I hid. But I-" insert coughing. "I don't trust hospitals."
William manages a small laugh. "That's right. You hate them."
(Y/n) nods and looks at her bloody hand.
Louis comes running back in.

Fred hands William a pillow for her head and the blonde lays her down.
Jack brings over a book for her to bite since they didn't have anything else around.
Louis begins removing the bullet and patching her up.
Obviously it was painful and she was squeezing William and Albert's hands so tightly they feared they'd lose feeling.
Moran helped the best he could but Bond turned away and did his best not to puke on the carpet.
Fred pats his back to help.

"I'm so sorry." She cries and looks up at the boys.
"Save your strength. You're gonna be ok." Albert instructs and moves hair off her forehead.
Her vision blurs and soon she couldn't feel Louis' hands anymore.
"Stay awake (Y/n)." William instructs and pats her cheek.
As much as she wanted to, her eyes rolled back and closed.
Darkness took over.
William clutches her hand tighter.

"She's losing a lot of blood, brother." Louis informs as he pulls the bullet out.
"Louis, just focus on fixing her. Fred, obtain the blood and equipment for a transfusion."
"As you wish William." Fred bows and runs off.
"Her breathing is slowing down." Albert whispers, looking at William.
"She's going to be just fine." The blonde quickly looks at his brother then back down at the woman.
This was the first time everyone was seeing him not calm and collected.
He was trying, but failing.

As soon as Fred returned they began the transfusion.
"William, why don't you go get some towels and blankets." Albert suggests and puts his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"I need to be here with her. I need to make sure-"
"Brother there is nothing you can do now. We'll just have to hope she wakes up soon and the transfusion works." Louis cuts William off.
William sighs but nods. "You're right. I'll be back with towels to clean up and blankets to wrap her in."
Everyone watches him leave then they look at each other.
"I've never seen William like this," Bond comments.
"None of us have." Moran rebuttals and crosses his arms.
"Is she really gonna be ok?" Fred asks quietly.
Albert looks at Louis but the blonde frowns.
"I don't know." The boy responds and looks down at the (h/c).

"Wait a moment. (Y/n) said Sherlock shot her. Do you think William will have words with him about this?" Bond inquires, looking around at everyone.
"It was an accident and he doesn't know about it. We've done all the work to fix her up. I don't know if William will go asking for medical fees or an apology." The brunette brother answers.
"What if she doesn't make it?" Bond continues.
Everyone looks at the said man.
Obviously they didn't want to think about it, but it was always a possibility.
"I hope for William's sake she is strong enough to pull through this." Moran answers the question.

William comes back with his arms full.
Albert takes the items, looking over his brother's face. "William..."
"I think I'll go take a walk. Some fresh air might ease my mind. I do apologize for my out-of-character behavior, everyone."
"William, it was an accident, remember." Albert finally finishes.
The blonde looks at the oldest Moriarty then leaves without another word.
"Are you gonna stop him?" Moran asks Albert.
"No. He won't do anything drastic. I can assure you Sherlock Holmes won't be dying tonight."

"Maybe we should see if Doctor Watson can come look at her,"Fred suggests.
"That's a good idea Fred. Why don't you rush after William. Make sure his search for fresh air doesn't lead him to Baker street." Albert agrees and smiles.
"I'll move her to her room when the transfusion is complete." Moran offers and Louis nods.
The shy boy bows and leaves again.
Albert pets (Y/n)'s hair gently. "We'll make sure you're ok." He whispers then kisses her forehead.

Thankfully Fred got Watson to visit the manor and kept William from Baker street.
Unfortunately Mrs. Hudson told Sherlock where Watson had gone and he was more than excited to pay a visit as well.
Upon arrival he was negatively received which threw him off.
"Is Liam here?" Sherlock asks Louis.
"Brother is-"
"Louis let him in." William instructs as he walks over.
The glasses boy sighs and allows the detective in.
"Why did you need John, Liam?" Sherlock asks, looking around.
Louis clenches his fists in pure angry, and he did very little to hide it.

Instead of answering at first William leads Sherlock to (Y/n)'s bedroom.
The two walk in and the blue haired man looks confused.
"A house call?"
"Sherlock, is it true?!" John exclaims, standing quickly, looking at his partner.
"Is what true?" The said man inquires.
"Did you shoot (Y/n)?"
Sherlock looks at William quickly. "What? Of course not. Liam I would never."
The blonde looks at his friend. "You did, but it was an accident. (Y/n) hid it so she wouldn't be in your way of catching that man earlier. She has a fear of hospitals so she came here instead."

"I must say for what little you had you did a decent job fixing her," John compliments.
Louis manages a small smile.
"Although I would recommend-"
"Hold on! I did this?" Sherlock cuts off his friend.
"Sherlock, it was an accident." John tries but it doesn't work.
"I don't care if it was a bloody accident! Did I nearly kill (Y/n)? Is she gonna be ok?" The detective looks between William and John.
"We won't know until she wakes up... or her heart stops beating. She lost a lot of blood."
Sherlock clenches his fists and looks away.
"I'm glad I don't have to beat you up, you're doing that on your own." Will jokes and smiles softly.
The blue haired man looks at the blonde. "Liam I'm... I'm so sorry. Whatever you need, just ask. Some money, my assistance for anything, you name it."

William looks at the woman.
Albert is rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.
"If you need money for the equipment or whatever I'll scrounge up what I can. I'll just tell Mrs. Hudson rent might be tight or late this month."
"Sherlock is right. If there is anything else we can do to help. This is his fault and he'll do what it takes to make this right," John adds.
"Thank you both." Albert smiles softly and looks from the two back to the woman.
Everyone looks at the woman then back at the detective.
"Thank you for the offer, Sherly. Mr. Watson I just wish for her to wake up again. That is all I require of you."

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