William James Moriarty p1

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(Y/n) and William had been friends for many years.
He was the smart professor and she was the sweet baker he visited every morning.
Their friendship blossomed quickly as they spoke and he much enjoyed her pastries.
(Y/n) enjoys his stories of university and the troubles of being a young professor.
William began to frequent the bakery and her feelings for him turned romantic after a year or two.
The woman became a light in his life, an escape from the pain. She gave him strength to carry on.
Although as the years went by and he confessed his feelings for her things didn't go as planned.

William kept their relationship a secret, explaining to her that his brothers and friends wouldn't accept her.
(Y/n) didn't mind though.
Knowing a noble like him could harbor feelings for a peasant like her was enough for her.
He was overprotective of her but she didn't really notice or care.
She figured it was how he showed his love.
When she began to notice, everything came crashing down at once.
When he offered to kill a nobleman who accosted her she took it as a joke and agreed.
Later she found out that the man had died suddenly of an unknown cause.
What tipped her over the edge was his ultimate confession.

"My love you mean the world to me and I would give it to you on a silver platter. But there's something important I need to confess." William kneels in front of the woman and holds her hands.
(Y/n) looks into his eyes. "What could you ever need to confess? You're perfect darling."
The blonde smiles softly. "(Y/n), I am the Lord of Crime."
As his words sink in her smile slowly disappears and her eyes widen.
"You're the Lord of Crime?"
He nods and cups her cheek. "I know it's a lot to process. I'm working toward a goal and I had to play this part to achieve that goal."

Panic sets in and her body turns stiff.
She tries to pull her hands away but he squeezes them.
"Darling please don't be upset or scared. I would never hurt you. I wanna be honest with you."
(Y/n) pulls away roughly and runs away.
"(Y/n)!" He yells, standing up quickly.
The woman runs away crying but she also couldn't help freaking out.
He claims he'd never hurt her but she couldn't believe anything he said. He's a murderer.
She runs quickly due to her being barefoot but unfortunately due to her lack of breath she stops to catch her breath.
The night is young so no one seemed to be around to help her.

William finally catches up to the woman and grabs her waist.
(Y/n) yelps and quickly turns to the blonde.
"Darling it's dangerous out here at night. You shouldn't be running off, and without protection for your feet on top of that. Come home please."
"Let me go." She whispers and tries pulling away.
His grip tightens but he picks her up and carries her back to the manor.
"Please don't kill me William. Let me go and I won't say anything. Please." (Y/n) begs and struggles against him.
"Darling I love you. I could never hurt you. But I can't let you go running off. You belong with me. We can change this wretched world together."

Once they get back to the manor William takes her to his room and lays her on the bed.
She stays there, panting and still terrified. "What are you going to do with me?"
"Well I can't have you going anywhere. Can you promise to stay here in the manor?"
She opens her mouth to respond but he adds something.
"Of course if you can't, I'll have to take drastic measures. I don't want to but I will if I have to."
Tears stream down the woman's cheeks but she nods.
"I'll stay," she whispers.

William smiles and cups her cheek. "Wonderful. Oh how I love you darling. You are the light in my life."
"What about my bakery?"
William frowns but sits on the bed next to her. "Yes, the bakery. Oh I know. Louis will accompany you and make sure you're behaving then escort you home to me."
(Y/n) nods slowly and looks away. "Do you mean it? You won't hurt me?"
"Not unless you give me a reason to. I love you dearly (Y/n). You are my everything. I will purify this country for you."
"One rotten noble at a time?"
"And how does this story end?"
"With my death."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "Oh."

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