Chapter 2

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Gosalyn POV

"Hey losers." I said with a smile,

walking into the triplets bedroom. It was a day after all the crazy FOWL stuff and everyone was... recovering in a sense.

I look around, Huey and Louie are on the bottom bunk of their triple bunk bed, Dewey is on the floor with his face in his hands. Violet is in the corner reading and Webby is nowhere to be seen.

"Sup Gos." Louie greets me with a nod of his head as I take a seat next to Dewey.

"How's everyone doing over here?" I asked.

"Meh. I for one, am exhausted and Lena left hours ago, so I'm not really sure why I'm still here." Violet replied, sighing before returning to her book.

"Has anyone seen Webs?" Dewey piped up suddenly, removing his hands from his face.

"Are you sure you wanna talk to her after what just hap-" Huey started to say before being cut off by Dewey.

"Yes, I do. She's my best friend." Dewey said sharply. With that he walked out of the room, clearly frustrated.

"What's up with him?" I asked as soon as he left the room.

"Oh nothinggggg." Louie smirked.

Something was definitely going on, and I was going to do anything I could to find out what.

Violet POV

So, to be honest, I have no idea what is going on with everyone, suddenly after the FOWL thing, everyone changed in a way. Louie has become more closed off, Huey has been twitching nonstop, Lena's super ticked off and I don't know why, Dewey and Webby won't even look at each other anymore, and me? I'm just witnessing it all and trying to avoid conflict.

"Seriously though, what is up with him?" I asked, setting my book aside to show that my full attention was on this. Huey twitched at my question and Louie just gave an annoyed glance in his direction.

"Look Vi, it's really nothing to be worried about, they just got in a fight or something after the whole thing, no biggie." Louie responds.

"Right, no biggie." Gosalyn mumbled under her breath. "I've gotta go." She then says and gets up and leaves.

"Okay, what's wrong with everyone? We all used to be so open about everything, now we're over here ignoring each other and storming off for no reason." I said. "What changed after the FOWL thing?"

"Vi, I think it's better that you stay out of this one." Louie

"I think I have a right to know what's going on with my friends." I countered, raising my voice a bit.

"Guys, guys, let's not get mad at each other, we don't need that right now." Huey says with a twitch.

"Shut it Huey." Louie says to his brother in a clipped tone.

"Watch your tone Llewlyn." Huey chides. I grabbed my book and left the room as the two triplets continued to argue.

I had a certain adventure duo to find.

Hey! Thanks for reading this whole thing! I'm sure it sucks lol but yeah it'll get better as the story goes on I promise!

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